Laura Soto MirandaBrightening up accessibility with a new colour systemWe recently revamped Deliveroo’s digital colour palette. It was our first step toward making our design system foundations more accessible…Sep 20, 20234Sep 20, 20234
Brooke AltmanHow we made our Figma workflow 15% more efficientHere at Deliveroo, our Experience team uses Figma as a canvas to capture, iterate and communicate our thoughts in one place. In addition to…Jan 19, 202310Jan 19, 202310
Brooke AltmanWhere’s that file? How we use Figma covers to communicate efficiently across teams at DeliverooProduct teams — if you’ve ever asked: Does anyone know where I can find X?, Did X feature ship?, Is X live in X market?, or something…Sep 5, 20229Sep 5, 20229
Brooke Altman5 essential Figma plugins that power product design at DeliverooBrooke Altman is a Senior Product Designer at Deliveroo.Aug 13, 20221Aug 13, 20221
Dominic MossQ&A with Phil Hammel, our Principal Product DesignerThere are tons of articles and debate around the IC v Management career path in tech companies. But it’s never a one-size fits all idea and…Apr 21, 2022Apr 21, 2022
Rhiannon JonesA day in the life of a content designer at DeliverooOur content designers work across all of our consumer, rider and restaurant products — collaborating with a diverse set of disciplines…Apr 23, 2021Apr 23, 2021
AnneSophie DelafosseEver wondered what your designs would look like in another language?How often have you heard “It does not fit in, this language is too long”, “just release in English, we will get the translations later” or…Jun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020
Christos KastritisHow to understand your Design System’s health, and eventually, its success.How might we communicate the value of our design system? How do we measure success? These are the questions that occupy the minds of many…Jun 1, 20205Jun 1, 20205
Talia LevittHow an Internship changed my career in six monthsIt’s never too late to make the switchMar 11, 20202Mar 11, 20202