Hello World!

Delivery Hero Tech Blog
Delivery Hero
Published in
1 min readMar 29, 2018

By Bianca Walterspiel

Welcome to Delivery Tech, it’s great to have you here!

There are a lot of us and we’re spread all over the world… but like all successful teams, we’re united by a set of shared values and a common purpose: to create an amazing takeaway experience.

We’d like you to really feel part of our global family, so we’d like to use this blog as a home for sharing some of the more tech-related things about us…

We are responsible for building an incredible range of tools and tech solutions that span the full customer journey, starting with an online search for food and ending with a delicious meal arriving at the front door.

We are focused on a culture of growth. Operating in more than 45 countries, we’re a truly global team, responsible for processing hundreds of millions of orders around the world annually.

Rapid innovation, efficiency, and bravery have enabled us to become the world’s largest food delivery network and we look forward to continuing on this groundbreaking adventure together!

Stay posted for more from us soon…

Originally published at https://tech.deliveryhero.com on March 29, 2018.

