May Golang meetup @ DH

Delivery Hero Tech Blog
Delivery Hero
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2018

By Guilherme Santos

On Tuesday evening Delivery Hero welcomed many fellow “Gophers” to our Headquarters. Ever since we started to adopt Golang in early 2017, many of us have attended the monthly meetups of the Berlin Golang community. Therefore it was a great pleasure for us to host the event ourselves for the first time. We shared great food from Habba Habba as well as interesting talks with like minded people.

The talks

The evening was opened with a talk by Oliver Rivo about “Rich interactive widgets for terminal-based UIs written in Go”. You can find out more about the presenter as well as his code here. Great work and thanks for sharing!

Afterwards Guilherme from the foodora/foodpanda Search and Discovery Team shared some insights into our efforts of moving from our PHP based monolithic architecture to a Go based microservice one. In the second half of his talk he showed our GoRanger project

We open sourced the library to help also other developers to quickly build high scalable microservices in a safe and fault tolerant way as well as according to industry standard. Everybody is invited to help us to extend and improve it.

BTW… we are hiring 🙂

We believe also in the future Golang will help us to address the scale, speed and complexity challenges, we face in the fast growing food market. Therefore we will continue to support the community, further extend our Go foodprint and heavily invest into learning. If you want to be part of the journey, please contact us.

Originally published at on May 24, 2018.

