Here’s the first three episodes of’s first season

A new radio program about conversational marketing & sales

Chris Handy 🎉
Delivery and Retention
1 min readApr 17, 2019


A little while ago, we decided to put together a new show.

Our show art went through several revisions before settling on these marks.

I’ve seen too many of my colleagues suffering needlessly.

Salespeople are confused, overloaded with conflicting advice about whether they should follow the latest trends or revive long-forgotten sales skills.

Marketing folks are so busy learning about the next big thing that they often let the tried and true simple (not easy) stuff fall by the wayside.

It’s time to get back to basics.

Back to what works. What has always worked.

Talking with people.

So I’ve started a brand new show about that. It’s called Dialog. And the first three episodes of Season 1 just dropped on .

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Chris Handy 🎉
Delivery and Retention

Chris Handy is on a mission to help companies to #stopblasting their customers. He leads the team at