“Options aren’t free.”

Chris Handy 🎉
Delivery and Retention
1 min readJul 30, 2016

I discovered this from a comment in a forum. Everyone involved in marketing, surveys, websites, sales, et. al should just heed these words.

Afterward, ask yourself how options may be helping or hurting your approach to growing the market share of your products or services.

As the WordPress Philosophies section on Decisions not Options states:

Every time you give a user an option, you are asking them to make a decision. When a user doesn’t care or understand the option this ultimately leads to frustration. As developers we sometimes feel that providing options for everything is a good thing, you can never have too many choices, right? Ultimately these choices end up being technical ones, choices that the average end user has no interest in. It’s our duty as developers to make smart design decisions and avoid putting the weight of technical choices on our end users.

“The vast majority of users benefit from having their content embeddable. The smart decision is to make content embeddable and to not burden users with the weight of an option.”

Found in the: New Embeds Feature in WordPress 4.4 — Make WordPress Core



Chris Handy 🎉
Delivery and Retention

Chris Handy is on a mission to help companies to #stopblasting their customers. He leads the team at ClosedWon.com