Behind JOKER’s smile | 小丑笑容的背後

Delly Studio | 黛瓅生活事務所
Delly studio
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2019
| 圖 — Warner Bros |

DC comic’s villain “JOKER” independent film should be the most popular movie after the Taiwanese film “Detention”.

I believe that everyone is no stranger to “JOKER”, but this time he is no longer the big villains in Batman’s story, but to be a perpetrator of a socially marginalized person who becomes an anti-social personality.

After watching “JOKER”, everyone should think that it is a very strong film. The scene in the movie is so familiar and real. It seems like it happens every day in our life, just like the movie “Detention” classic line “Do you forget, or are you afraid to think about it?”

At first, let me praise the acting role of the main character Joaquin Phoenix. He really performed this character perfectly. Maybe his childhood life experience can be integrated into this role. I think if it is replaced by other actors, it may not be so evolved.

The following content may have a little bit spoiler, please think before continue.

I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a f**king comedy.

Arthur, the JOKER said, “My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. She told me I had a purpose: to bring laughter and joy to the world.” The irony is that Arthur’s mother, who was born at the bottom of society, lives in an unhappy life and has mental illness. Unfortunately Arthur has the same life too. The film has a strong sense of irony with “clown” that brings joy to people. It tells the bitter taste of people’s lives at the bottom of society. Obviously, an unhappy life, but for life, he must pretend to be happy and smile to people. In the beginning of the movie, Arthur was working, but was bullied and beaten by the kids on the street. However, people along the road were watching with cold eyes.

At the same time, it also writes about the indifference and bullying that people at the bottom of society.

As the joker killed the three high-ranking elites in society in the scene and said “I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a comedy.”

Such a ridiculous life, let Arthur throw caution to the winds

He tries so hard to survive but still everyone thinks he is sick. It is better to complete the wishes of everyone.

The mentality of JOKER is still happening every day in our lives.

If we can be more empathetic and understanding, and care about them, maybe they can all have a better day.

We should all think about it. We are lucky not living in that kind of life, but how will we face it if that our life?

The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.

In the movie, Arthur always laughs at the most painful time, and the “normal people” always looks at him with a strange and indifferent vision. Wonders why he is sick and still stay outside, isn’t good to stay at home without bothering others?

What is the definition of a normal person?

I have discussed this issue with friends around me, but there is never a very clear answer. Because the matter of “normal” is very subjective, if you want a correct answer, it should be “all you have done must be in line with the expectations of the public and the behavior of people in the existing concept.”

We often use this framework to suppress our emotions and live on. If it is like a movie plot, we cross the frame work will be labeled as a geek, a sick head, or a mentally ill. There will always be people who hope that you can “hide it”, show what they call “normal” and avoid the problems and causes of all the disordered behavior, and continue to live silently and quietly.

But if we try to think backwards, how much courage they have spent to appear in the same space with you and tell their own defects and diseases, then you can understand them a little more.

They are not abnormal, but there is a small part that is different from us, but we all share a common survival value.

You don’t listen, do you? You just ask the same questions every week. “How’s your job? Are you having any negative thoughts?” All I have are negative thoughts.

Arthur tried to get himself better, he went to the counseling center every week. However, he gradually felt that the social worker did not listen carefully to everything he said, but only routinely asked “How’s your job?”, “are you having any negative thoughts?” and other related issues, even Arthur wrote in the notebook “I hope my death makes more cents than my life.”, the social worker is only a faint question.

We who are not mentally ill are eager to be noticed and listen to what we want to say, but what about the clowns in the movie? Even a little bit of sincere inquiry may change their life.

It is pity that the true concern in society is far less than the indifferent people.

Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?

The famous quote of the writer Elie Wiesel: “The opposite of love is not hated, but indifference.” The unfair treatment of social and malicious bullying, in many cases, is because we are afraid to be classified as same as them. Therefore, the choice of humming and ignoring, but under these indifferent attitudes, the phenomenon of social degradation has gradually emerged.

It also makes people at the bottom of society often become a pawn in the election politics or benefit of high-ranking people in society.

At this time, someone might ask just like the JOKER, “Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?

If you haven’t entered the theater to watch this movie, it is highly recommended to watch it.

Because it plays a topic that is closely related to our lives, and the performance of Joaquin Phoenix will never let you down.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article.

Maybe it’s not good enough, but I hope you can get something from it.


























作家維瑟爾(Elie Wiesel)的名言:「愛的反面不是恨,而是漠不關心。」社會的階層的不平待遇與惡意霸凌,在很多時候是因為我們害怕被歸類成與他們同一類又或者是惹禍上身,所以選擇噤聲、無視,然而在這些漠不關心的態度之下,使得社會墮落現象逐漸產生。






