Life’s little unfortunate | 生命中那些得不到的小缺憾

Delly Studio | 黛瓅生活事務所
Delly studio
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2019

There are Murphy’s Law life, one of which is “sometimes, the more you want to get, the less you will get”

I believe that there is law of attraction in this world, but in sometime it seems to have a failure.

I am very interested in fortune telling. In the early years, I remember hearing from a teacher: “In life, there will always be one or two things that are not so perfect.”

At that time, I couldn’t feel any imperfections in my life.

It seems that everything is within the control

Until recently, when I was seriously examining myself, I found that there was an issue that had been exiled myself for a long time in my heart. I have forgotten its existence for a long time.

So, I took this issue to a fortune teller for some help.

The fortune teller said very peacefully: “This is not something you can solve by yourself, you can only learn to let it go.”

When I heard it, the emotions surging inside me.

After returning home, my heart kept thinking about the dialogue with the fortune teller and carefully sifting through the problem and strip the issue apart to explore

Because those little unfortunate make life complete

In the past few years, I have always been troubled by this issue, just to cover it temporarily with other happiness and then ignore.

And this issue giving me an answer in a time when I am still very good condition, at least not let me feel the end of the world is coming.

If God is fair, I think the answer is “yes”

His fairness not only allows us to breathe oxygen, also gives us the subject that everyone needs to cultivate.

Maybe it’s because of the cycle of life, maybe the personality of a person. In our lives, there will be a particularly difficult quest to test us.

Life does not have the word “All pass”. If you live this life through all pass, you will feel that something is missing when you look back to it.

It’s like in the student days, we will skip a few boring classes, then got rid of a few subjects. After graduating, we look back to it and felt how life would be so interesting.

So what the big deal if a few subjects got rid in this life.

At least we get more extra life Bonus

Just imagine those little unfortunate in life is just a missing corner of puzzle.

Because these corners filling up each other, making us a complete person.

Are you still sad about these little unfortunate?

Try to calm down and talk to your heart with a pen and paper

When these negative emotions are released, the positive energy of yourself will begins to turn.

Then you can feel much more comfort

To the people who are still suffering with life’s unfortunates.














人生沒有All pass這個詞彙,若是all pass的度過這一生,回頭來看就會覺得好像缺少了些甚麼


在說長不長,說短不短的人生中,多了幾個死當科目又怎樣呢? 至少我們獲得更多額外的生活Bonus






