Who Am I | 我是誰

Delly Studio | 黛瓅生活事務所
Delly studio
Published in
9 min readAug 5, 2019

Finally, started the first article on Medium.

“Who am I?” as the first article title, I know it is a very old thing. but I think this is the most suitable title.

Hey, I am from southern Taiwan.

Let me introduce myself. I am a girl from southern Taiwan. I am not a student anymore. I work as a brand marketing designer. So far so good in life right now, but I still have some difficulty, but these are not going to stop me achieve to my ideal life.

In the past, I was a person who was extremely unconfident. I always lived in the days when I was too concerned about other people’s eyes. I couldn’t even accept any mistakes. If I had a mistake, I would always punish myself in various ways to relieve those mistakes.

Such a period of the past may be a very sad day for many people, but I am grateful that I have such a past, because these experiences make me more brave to admit to others that those bad habits .

Next, let’s talk about why I can bravely share these with you now.

The first step of admit is liberating yourself.

It is very difficult for some people to admit that they are not perfect.

because of the imperfect feeling is like taking off the beautiful clothes on the body and walking naked on the road of overcrowding.

The embarrass feeling is like a thorn in the heart, constantly pocking to remind us to disguise ourselves, so that people will not make jokes on us.

Only by pruning them, is the way to truly liberate yourself.

If you ask me how, everyone have their own best way.

I won’t tell you, “you shouldn’t think too much” or “not as bad as you think”, because these don’t help us.

First, learn how to self-precipitation

When you start to learn to precipitate and listen to your inner voice, you will find the only way to trim your own thorns.

Then slowly, you will create the garden that can liberate yourself.

The definition of self-worth is not the given by others, is you can find a spot to shine yourself and let everyone feel proud for you.

After learning to admit, maybe you will start to explore yourself more.

Are you also asking yourself at some point, “Where is my value defined?”

Regarding this issue, there have been more than hundred times in my life. Whenever I encounter a new environment, a thing, or a person, I always ask myself and analyze this question. This is seen “Oh my god~ this is too tiring!” in the eyes of many people but maybe this is the habit of the previous profession, the habit of constantly asking, exploring, and analyzing makes me know myself better.

Most of the times, we will give ourselves a value through the eyes of others.

Nothing wrong about it, maybe you will find more yourself that you never knew, but hope that you don’t give yourself a value by that.

Because the definition of self-worth is never what others giving to you, this is a relatively shallow definition for us.

The perfect definition of value is what has been experienced, and after a summary of things, a definition of yourself

In this unique definition, we are the most perfect person to interpret, and it is also a kind of belief in heart, can resist more troublesome things for you, make yourself stronger

It may take some time to find the meaning of this word, but so what?

Life is like a perfect design, we always need to accumulate something to present one of the most exciting works.

Let’s cheer up together in this difficult life path,

You won’t be alone, I am still learning and exploring as you are.

I hope that one day we will be more confident and say “Hi, I am ______”

The blank space is a valuable vocabulary for you.




Hey, 我是來自台灣南部的人


















關於這個問題,在我的生活中出現過不下百次,每當遇到一個新環境、一件事情、一個人時,我總在內心不斷抽絲剝繭的詢問自己與分析這個問題,這在很多人眼中看來會覺得“Oh my god~這也太累人了吧!”但也許這是之前的職業所造就下來的習慣,這樣不斷詢問、探索、分析的習慣,也讓我更加認識自己










期待我們都有一天能夠更有自信的跟人家說“Hi, 我是________”


