5 things to share this week

Jo Hercberg
Deloitte Digital Connect
2 min readFeb 9, 2024

We’re in the ‘stuff gets real’ part of the Deloitte Digital Connect programme at the moment. At Goalball UK my Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is a new website, but there’s lots of planning to do before we get there.

Here are 5 things I learned this week:

1. Miro

I’ve used plenty of collaborative tools online over the years. I’m a huge fan of setting things out this way. I’m a very visual person so I’d run the world from a Jamboard if I could. It’s like all the little parts of my brain come alive on screen and make sense!

Miro is a new one to me though, so thank you to Deloitte for the intro to this tool. It seems to have so many more features than Jamboard or Whiteboard and I’m looking forward to having a play.

2. Dovetail

The words ‘research repository’ haven’t crossed my path in my career until now! Deloitte gave us a great overview of this tool as a way to manage user research quotes/themes/interviews. If it’s suitable for my project I’ll give it a go for sure. Check it out at https://dovetail.com/

A wall covered with post it notes in different colours organised for a project
Photo by Hugo Rocha on Unsplash

3. Read things to the end

We have a workbook created on Google Slides to add all our project info in to e.g. problem statement, knowledge board, user research questions etc.

I jumped the gun a bit and started diligently writing it all on my own Jamboard (told you I liked them!).

If I’d have just read through the whole slide deck I’d have seen there are spaces for everything, with loads of helpful instructions.

4. Peer conversations really help

The first peer group session took place this week. It was great to be in a smaller group and meet my cohort. One thing I really took from it was how everyone was experiencing similar challenges. Am I on the right track? Should I be interviewing 5 or 500 people? How do I know I’m getting it right?

Having the chance to talk through these challenges really helped!

5. I’m starting to feel OK about this stuff

I met my mentor from Deloitte this week. She is lovely and really seemed enthused by my problem and by goalball. Helpfully she worked with the RFU for their digital transformation so there’s common ground there.

We’ve decided to meet for 30 mins 6 times instead of 1 hour 3 times. It’s given me a push in the right direction to start selecting interviewees and crack on with the interviewing.

All in all a good week! It’s a busy month with my day job though with two deadlines for the end of Feb, as well as needing to complete the user interviews by then. Hopefully the planning I’m doing now will make it an easy process.

