A week of overwhelm

Jess Reddy
Deloitte Digital Connect
2 min readMar 18, 2022
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash — A man pinned into the corner of a wall, with post it notes all over him and on the walls.

The image above is a bit of a visual representation of me over the last few weeks. Lots of things to do and feeling like I’m not quite getting there. You know, when you feel like you’re cheating on one project with another.

Now, I don’t want this to turn into a pity fest, but having reflected this morning on why yesterday I experienced some extreme overwhelm, it’s probably worth documenting.

I know you can all relate. That feeling of letting people down, not keeping up your side of the deal. That’s been this week. BUT, today I give myself a huge break, because there’s been a lot of stuff going on.

  • Two big projects
  • Lots of meetings, calls, emails trying to line things up: workshops; volunteering matches; briefings. All hugely time consuming.
  • A day in London where I was basically offline all day. A long day. Tiredness.
  • Some physical pain from a fall I had about 10 days ago, resulting in needing physio on my arm
  • Oh yeah, and a major house renovation, whilst working from home. I currently have no bathroom or kitchen, a front garden (that I look out on) that looks like a building site and a gritty layer of dust everywhere.

Despite all of this, I use the opportunity to step back. Focus on the bigger picture. Take a moment or two for some self care.

Managing projects is challenging at the best of time. Sometimes life throws you some curve balls — some positive, some not what you needed.

It’s all an opportunity for growth and learning.

So, to end on the positives.

  • I saw my team. We laughed, we ate Colin the Caterpillar cake (Happy Birthday Alex) and we had a drink after work
  • My bathroom is slowly coming back to life
  • The sun is shining
  • It’s nearly the weekend and I’m going to see my Mum in London
  • I’ve had some great conversations with some of our teams and they are keen to get involved, and have been so helpful. I’m sure this will result in some great connections…once I get a second to write all the intro emails ;-)

Onwards and upwards. With a smile.

(And because Joe wanted me to keep up the animal image theme, a picture of my cat. With all the space in the world, she still sits right next to my keyboard!)

A cat, sat on a standing desk, looking out of the window.

