Deloitte project thoughts at the end of February

Emma Price
Deloitte Digital Connect
2 min readMar 5, 2024


February already feels a little way behind us, but for the last week of the month and when I start taking calls again (hopefully this tonsillitis will shift soon…), I’ve been asking clients how accessible we are.

I took myself down a few rabbit holes when deciding how to approach User Research for the different User Profiles that use our services, but thought I’d start with what I know best — how to chat to people. By simply asking how accessible we currently are, asking if webchat etc might be a helpful option and asking for client feedback, I’ve started to paint a picture of what we’re already doing really well.

Because we do have different types of clients that we support, just asking those on the phone if we’re easy to reach isn’t going to be very helpful to those who can’t. I’m pleased to be gathering such wonderful feedback, but really, it’s also showing that I do need to start exploring my rabbit holes and think about what else I can do to be more accessible, to those who might not be finding us very accessible.

March’s sessions are to help us to define our digital accessibility problems and define solutions. In all honesty I’ve jumped ahead to that already and probably spent more time thinking about what could help the user profiles I’ve created, rather than simply embracing the user research as I should have. Definitely a learning curve and will spend the next week or so, keeping on talking to clients, but will also speak with others in the organisation about how I can progress with other user research options — perhaps face to face interviews in the local shopping centre, or a mass email survey to those we’ve recently helped?

As always, lots to think about.

