Foxes are cute, but if they wake me up, I will think about DDC!

Jess Reddy
Deloitte Digital Connect
2 min readFeb 24, 2022
Photo by Peter Lloyd on Unsplash

Lots to pack into what, has ultimately been, a three day week.

The good things this week

  • Seeing my team IRL for the first time since December and getting a lovely gift from them.
  • Reading charity partnership applications.
  • Having a great planning meeting for the future of DDC — and it’s only been going 4 weeks today!


Getting out of bed this morning. A skulk of foxes (it may have just been one) woke me up last night. Queue brain engaging. Guess what I was thinking about? Yep, the future of DDC…!


Reading all the charity applications for the offices I support, and getting them out to local teams.

Learned things

  • That the collective noun for foxes is skulk.
  • That my dog likes the taste of my sofa.

I think Ziggy and other animals might become a theme of week notes.

Overarching feeling of the week

Excitement. I remember someone saying about me once that they thought my excitement/positivity wasn’t real. Nope, I really am like this most of the time. A real glass half full, look on the bright side of life kinda gal. I know, it’s irritating. Sorry. Not sorry.

  • I love my job
  • I’m seeing friends this weekend and getting to celebrate my birthday IN REAL LIFE and not over Zoom!
  • I get to walk on the beach whenever I want and
  • I’ve started sewing again (having finally cleared a space in the spare room)


Getting some workshops in the diary — more to come in the newsletter.

Some puzzles

There are so many places we could take DDC, that I need some headspace to really start to distill things down. This long weekend has come at a great time to let the ‘dust’ of the last four weeks settle and sink in, so hopefully I can come back fresh next week and start to get some of this stuff down.

Have a great week all.

