Making the Deloitte Digital Connect programme workspace on Notion

This little blog is about how we’ve used the platform Notion to create a project website for the DDC programme.

Joe Roberson
Deloitte Digital Connect
3 min readMar 17, 2022


The DDC Notion site, in edit mode.

What Notion is

Its a tool for communicating information.

You can add information to it. The usual — words, pictures, lists etc.

Or you can make it show information pulled in by magic from other places e.g. content from spreadsheets and documents and videos. Basically if your information sits on the web somewhere and has a url then Notion can probably display it. Think anything from a Google map to a Miro board to a Youtube video.

You can also embed things in it, like PDFs.

Why it’s good

Erm, for all the reasons above.

And because you can mention people on it and they get a notification. Or you can comment on it (if you’ve been given permission to) aswell.

It’s also good for some of the reasons below….

Is it a workspace or a website?

It’s both really. Just Notion is simpler to build and add content to which makes it really useful as a workspace for your team or project.

What you can’t do is visually customise it in the same way you can with Wordpress or other website platforms.

How we’ve used Notion on the DDC programme

We’ve used Notion to make a project website/workspace to help everyone see what is happening and who is involved. We’ve only shared the link with people on the programme (that’s why its not here) and the site is not findable on the web.

1. People can collaborate on one Notion site

It’s been a shared effort. Because multiple people can edit one Notion site. Admins can allocate permissions for users to be able to edit and add content — woop!

You can have many Notion sites.

2. Every Notion page can do multiple things, all on one page

It uses content blocks — so on one page you could have writing, images, embedded tweets, a Google map, data from a database. And a to do list. If you wanted all of that together.

Or you could just write words.

Either way it’s been good for us because it is so flexible.

3. We’ve made the site display useful information from a database

We’ve embedded some content from the DDC programme Airtable. Airtable is like a super flexible online CRM/spreadsheet tool. Even better we could choose precisely what content from the Airtable to show, so some was visible and some was kept private. Awesome usefulness.

4. We’ve been changing the site’s content and navigation

We’ve been iterating the site’s content. It’s really really fast and easy to do this. So as we’ve learnt about your needs we’ve added and reorganised content. Basically Notion can be changed to suit your needs as the change.

5. Its fast to edit

You don’t have to hit save. What you write or add is published instantly.

Yes there is an undo button 😉

What else can Notion do?

I don’t know everything about Notion. I’m a beginner to it.

I know some people use it as a productivity tool, like their personal workspace.

Is it free?

There is a free version. And paid versions. It depends what you want. Start with the free version and see how you get on.

Inspiring Notion sites

Examples to be inspired by… but only from those we know. The world is probably full of many more different ways to use Notion.

What you could use Notion for

  • A staff handbook
  • A place to store and make organisation policies easy to access
  • A project management site
  • An intranet

These are just some ideas. There will probably be many more…

What to do next

Try doing something simple with Notion, like writing one page.

Or have a look at Notion’s guide. Its written using, erm, Notion.



Joe Roberson
Deloitte Digital Connect

Bid writer. Content designer. I help charities and tech for good startups raise funds, build tech products, then sustain them. Writes useful stuff. More poetry.