Move On Marketing & Comms Weeknotes — 21st Feb to 4th March (Fortnightnotes?…)

Rachel McIndoe
Deloitte Digital Connect
1 min readMar 4, 2022

Good things

Attended the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Awards at the EICC with a small team of our staff and board members

Great catch ups with members of our trauma-informed development work, fundraising and literacy teams, with some exciting plans now in the works with all of these departments

Positive feedback from our volunteer mentors regarding comms work I’ve done for them based on their recent suggestions

Celeb chef Tom Kerridge liking and commenting on one of our FSGWS facebook posts — giving us a massive boost in page reach due to his 500k followers 💚


Missed out on the ECC Awards for Developing the Young Workforce (we were robbed 😜) — good to be nominated though

Literally never having enough hours in the day to finish all the massive plans I’ve built into our 2022 strategy


Attended an online Drama workshop with members of our development work team and managed not to shrivel into a tiny ball and die of embarrassment…just about…

