How Delphia is Turning Data into a Renewable Source of Capital

Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2022

In the decade since Cambridge Analytica, people have come to learn their data is valuable, but until now, capturing that value hasn’t been possible.

In the early 90s and 2000s, the promise of tech was a more equal world in which everyone had a voice and equitable access to information and opportunity.

Unfortunately, that future has yet to fully materialize. The last two decades have seen some of the largest companies in recorded history build their wealth using an asset that wasn’t entirely theirs to begin with: user data.

Fortunately, that era is coming to a close, and the same people whose information fueled the fortunes of the world’s largest corporations have realized that they deserve a cut — and that the key is working together.

What is Delphia?

Delphia is an investment collective. If participating in the data economy means building the best dataset, Delphia marks the first time people have invested together — with their data.

It’s an attempt to wrangle control over the next wave of wealth so that anyone can have a chance at prosperity by using all the assets they have in their possession.

While it might sound ambitious, a decade’s worth of research is behind the approach and financial prosperity is ultimately what’s at stake.

Members contributing data to the collective help Delphia understand how the world is changing. These signals tell stories about which products, brands and companies are likely to succeed — and which are likely to fail — information that Delphia’s investment AI uses to gain an edge over the market. As the AI improves, so too will the returns of everyone invested in a Delphia strategy.

While the algorithm behind Delphia will be studied at length, the philosophy that drives it is equally important. Though it competes for capital with Wall Street’s top hedge funds, Delphia wasn’t built to maximize profit for a select few. It was built to even the playing field.

For years, deep-pocketed tech firms and funds benefited from access to the very thing that should have improved everyone’s lives: user data. Trillions of dollars of economic value was created, but not evenly distributed.

And while Delphia isn’t the first to point these issues out, they are the first to pose a credible solution: an investment strategy that harnesses the power of collective data.

You are immediately treated like an investor the moment you contribute data to Delphia. Your data, in combination with others, allows a machine learning model to better predict the economic outcome for thousands of stocks. Since better prediction often leads to better returns, Delphia stakes out positions where we think markets have got it wrong and look to take a profit when everyone finally sees what we see.

Starting is Simple

We value your data, which is why we will reward you for contributing it. Rewards come in the form of PHI, a utility token on the Ethereum blockchain you’ll receive for enriching the data set.

At launch, people can earn PHI by answering questions about consumer trends. Our investment team will use these signals as input to try and improve the investment returns of every Delphia investor (including you). The more you play, the more PHI you’ll earn and the more data we’ll have to improve the algorithm.

In time, PHI will unlock exclusive features, like early access to new investment strategies and enhancements to the in-app experience.

Why is Delphia’s Approach Trustworthy?

First off, it works. Our algorithm can’t predict the market with 100% accuracy (who can?), but it has fared well relative to its benchmarks. Moreover, our predictions should improve as the collective grows and more people contribute their data.

Better still, the people behind it are seasoned professionals. Delphia’s team comes from some of the world’s best asset managers and has earned over a half dozen PhDs, authored over 40 publications, and inspired hundreds of academic citations. The company is also backed by notable VCs, including Y Combinator, Lattice Capital, Multicoin Capital, Ribbit Capital, FTX Ventures, M13, and others.

We’ll always be completely transparent with how we use your data and take extreme measures to ensure the security of our platform.

Learn More About Delphia

Financial markets and user data have been games with a tiny winner’s circle for far too long. We believe this new approach will help change the game by empowering people to get their data working for them.

To learn more about Delphia’s PHI token, read our litepaper.

