The Story of My Relationship with the Blockchain

Ada Gao
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2018

— Delphy Founder Bo Wang presented in the“Learn the important aspects of the Blockchain” event on 6 March, 2018

Delphy Founder Bo Wang, was invited as a keynote speaker to participate in the “Learn the important aspects of the Blockchain” investment and sharing event, organized by Zero2IPO Group on March 6, 2018. The event was well attended by blockchain investors, traditional finance industry and block-chain enthusiasts, with over 50 attendees.

Bo chose the topic, “The Story of My Relationship with the Blockchain” which described how he initially explored blockchain technologies.

  • In 2009, Bo stumbled into Bitcoin; however, at that point he wasn’t fully convinced about the concept. In 2013, he met David Johnston, co-founder of Factom who told him that he was a was a true believer in Bitcoin and not only bought Bitcoin at $10, he went all in. To everyone’s surprise by the end of 2013, Bitcoin’s price had soared to over $1,000. After that realization, Bo began researching into blockchain technology and Bitcoin.
  • In 2013, many Blockchain startups began to emerge such as Bitshares, Ethereum. In fact, Bo was one of the ICO investors for Ethereum project. Now, he actively participated in most Ethereum community events and got introduced to Bo Shen, renowned investor and advisor in Chinese Blockchain industry. Bo shared an interesting story- in order to build a Chinese community Vitalik lived at Bo Shen’s house for several months where he learnt to speak in Mandarin so he could connect and build the community.
  • Bo’s own experience in investing Ethereum started him thinking about his own ICO project. Together with other co-founders, they decided to create a public chain to store and retrieve data, Factom. At that point, Factom spent a lot of time to learn and explore what’s the best process to conduct an ICO. They chose to destroy all the unsold tokens after the ICO. However, this decision led to the Factom Foundation short of funding to manage and operating the community. Luckily, a new partner joined Factom who provided Foundation with funding assistance. In 2015, with the help of successful marketing initiatives, Factom, as a strong blockchain-based technology company, increased its global presence. The price of FCT, Factom token, skyrocketed from 10 cent at ICO to the highest of $39.
  • In August, 2016, Bo decided to go back to China and co-found Wanglu Technology. Then he made up his mind that he would develop an application based on blockchain- Delphy, Prediction markets platform!
  • In August of 2017, Delphy successfully crowd-funded 60,000 Ether and then immediately got DPY, Delphy token, listed on Before the team could celebrate their ICO success, Chinese government issued an ICO ban which also impacted Delphy, as we had to return tokens to several Chinese investors.
  • Bo truly believes in the prediction markets and how the wisdom of crowd will make the world more predictable. He announced that later this month, Delphy will launch its prediction markets mobile application for the China market. The testimony of Delphy’s popularity resonates in the fact that over 200,000 have pre-registers for our application and with all the partnerships, Delphy expects to have around 1,000,000 users after product launch.
  • After Bo’s presentation, he also answered questions from attendees about blockchain, ICOs, Delphy, etc.

Thank you for your continued support!

About Delphy

A Decentralized mobile social platform for prediction markets.

Delphy is a decentralized, mobile prediction market platform built on Ethereum. The Delphy App is a light Ethereum node running on mobile devices.

Delphy uses market incentives to allow participants in a market to communicate, instantly and transparently, their wisdom regarding the outcome of upcoming events, effectively predicting the future. We design Delphy from the start to be decentralized, which makes it difficult to manipulate prediction results.

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The Delphy Team

