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Introducing Delve Search

LaiYee Ho
2 min readJun 20, 2018


When you’re striving to make impact with your research, speed is critical.

You need to get insights to the decision makers on time, but you also don’t want to lose quality or rigor.

We built search to help make your analysis more efficient, and enable you to get that research completed on time!

Look for a specific quote

You have a powerful, supporting quote in mind that will make a huge difference in your final report. But you forget who said it. Sound familiar?

With Delve search, you don’t need to remember the quote exactly. Type in the few words you remember, and Delve will help you find it quickly.

See every time a word or phrase was mentioned across a project

If you want to see every time a word or phrase was mentioned across your entire project, just search for it in Delve. You no longer have to visually scan across handwritten notes, or search every individual document of your data. With one click, you can see it all at once.

Go back to the source to see context around a result

Context matters a lot when interpreting meaning. Click the link on the search result to go back to the original source. You’ll be able to see the search result highlighted amongst the rest of the interview.

Save time and ensure your research drives impact

We know from first hand experience how big a responsibility it is to ensure decisions are informed by research. Saving time on your analysis can make the difference between a report that people can take action on, and a report that comes too late to make an impact.

Want to try Delve search? Sign up for the Delve waitlist.

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LaiYee Ho
Editor for

UX researcher and designer. Co-Founder Delve, a qualitative research tool.