The Value of Potential


Think about it- We all are some pretty amazing people. I mean every single one of us, are made special, unique, and gifted. No matter our ethnic background, gender, race, social status, we all have a common strand -- that is we are people with an ability to change the world. Right now, I want you to know not only are you’re special and you have a special purpose in this life. Your purpose is so important that Christ was willing to die for it and to die for you.

John 3:16 says God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believes in him, should not perish but receive everlasting life.

God loves us so much that he shared with us a portion of who he is. I know that's sometimes hard to see. Especially during the tough and frustrating moments of life; after the death of loved ones, financial difficulties, or even when life plans simply don't work out. It does become hard to believe that you have a purpose or a place in life. This thinking is not only dangerous, it's simply not true.

I would suggest to you that God is not only concerned about your life on a spiritual level but he is also concerned about the quality of this life. Your dreams, your passions, your potential are important. Honestly is the foundation of launching into the next level and maximizing your potential. It’s important for you to know that our God from the very beginning loved you even as “W.I.P”. The world was a work - in - progress.

In the manufacturing industry there is a point of the production phase called: Work - in - Progress (WIP).

W.I.P. is an unwanted phrase and seemingly unprofitable stage in in production. That is because during this stage of production:

1.The production stage has passed the raw material phase and cannot be sold as a pure resource.

2. This production stage has not yet created the finished product for the consumer.

W.I.P is the purely potential stage. WIP are in the process of completion. However, for many of us, we are still in this place of not yet being where we want in life. Let me tell you it's ok. Never diminish your potential based on the completion of others. If you are consistent you will become everything that you are suppose to be. When we gauge our lives based on the completion of others we tend to think of ourselves are less than for being incomplete. However, let this be a point of motivation to continue in life. Every victory has a story, every success story doesn't always start well. Avoid sitting the ‘locker room’ room mentality. This is where you size yourself up against the other players, and you always determine your potential and self-worth based on other. This is flawed. You are purposed and with the help of God you will accomplish everything you desire to.

I promise this book will not be your normal Sunday school lecture, or even your average christian book, but its important for you to know you are were created for purpose and you are supported by an amazing God. Also, my goal is to inspire you to think about where you are now and more importantly where you are going.

“I am created with purpose and I am supported by God.”

You are full of vision, and this vision helps you to build the provision to achieve your goals in life. Its no secret you are gifted, talented, creative, and a brilliant person. If I were to talk to you, I’m certain I would hear awesome goals and amazing passion from teaching in schools — to owning a business — to full-time ministry. To that I would respond “Your dreams are God-Given Windows into your God-Given Destiny”. Therefore, don’t let the uncertainties of the future define your present!

Too many times, we all the pressure from others to dictate our “Rate of Realization” of those dreams in our lives. Scriptures says, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he! Amazingly, there is a correlation between our thinking we think and the results we have in life. You can think your way into a negative outlook on life or you can be a positive thinker and attract positive results, thereby increasing faith which I recognize as a “Rate of Realization”. Faith Is based on belief, belief is a product of thought. Thought often time materializes into actions and behaviors. And our behaviors determine the success we have in life.

Often, Instead of believing in ourselves, we become bystanders to our own potential and neglect our destiny for fear of others opinions and reactions. And honestly, I get it! Having dreams and goals can alienate us from certain aspects of life. We can even isolate ourselves from our families, our friends and even our own motivations. We tend to be productive however we should never build a wall between ourselves and those around us. As a launcher, you are an environment changer. You have an ability to impact the world around you.

I understand that people may not always get your vision or your dream, while in the process stage. Think about the countless people that turned down Bill Gates or Steve Jobs because they didn’t understand their innovation. Honestly, Some people will only support when they see a glimpse of your potential being fulfilled — and that ok. Don’t get into the habit of isolating those who may want to grow with you and your vision. Remember: When you are the answer to someone’s problem, you should never be ashamed when called into question. Some people simply won’t get it at first. However, your job is to stay on track and stay focused. However, this book is not about your potential alone, it’s also about your ability to cultivate into reality the potential you have. This moment is an invitation for you to reach your “will-be” and on this journey it ok to be uncertain but keep the faith.

The first step to maximizing potential is understanding potential itself. Potential is only a measure of what “can-be”; the possible future. Faith and dedication measure what “will-be”; the promised future. Whether you know God as your personal Lord and savior or your are a work — in — progress, if you want God on your side he will be there! The Launch Pad and maximizing potential is not about where you start, it’s about preparing for where you’re going.

Yes, right now — now matter what point of life you are in, whether that be in college, working a job, waiting for that promotion, or even if everything is good, you have what is to do more and to live better. Its, amazing how much our lives are like rockets; Full of potential. Rockets are amazing mechanisms — extraordinary exhibits of ingenious engineering and calculation. Each rocket is designed to travel from one atmospheric level to another. Each Rocket or Vessel Has the ability to achieve levels that would otherwise be impossible to achieve.

Here’s the amazing point, no matter the goal, or destination. Every single rocket begins in a low place, in some secluded area, called a launching pad.

A launch pad is a designated area or platform on which a rocket, vessel, or guided vehicle undergoes final pre-launch checkout and countdown.

Here is my definition: A launch Pad is a designated place, with a designated purpose, for a designated time. The Launching Pads do not develop the rocket, it does not teach the crew, it launches vessel prepared for the journey.

You may bring to this journey past hurt, past failure, or past pains. But, What if we turned the negatives of life, into a positive. What if everything you went through was just a preparation course? Are you ready?



Delvin J. Moody
The Moody 411 — Campaign News Room

PhD Student in Religion at Boston Univeristy, Former City Councilman, and Free Black Thinker sharing random - yet connected thoughts.