Lucy Beta Released: Automating Web3 with AI Chat on Infinite Canvas

10 min readJun 3, 2024



Delysium ($AGI) has officially launched Lucy Beta, an AI-driven Web3 Operating System featuring an innovative Infinite Canvas interaction experience. With AI Chat integrated with multiple data sources, Lucy Beta can understand user intentions and goals, then search, plan, and trigger Flows to achieve these goals. Users can easily meet various Web3 needs by completing minimal wallet operations such as signatures and approvals.

Leveraging the highly innovative UI/UX of Infinite Canvas, Lucy Beta also features a modular architecture named Board. This design allows the seamless integration of data sources from third-party applications, platforms, and networks, presenting their functionalities as independent modules within the Infinite Canvas. Users can customize, edit, and share various Flows through intuitive interactions such as dragging and connecting, similar to designing with Figma.

As an AI-driven Web3 operating system, Lucy Beta establishes efficient communication and collaboration mechanisms among AI Agents, delivering a simpler, more user-friendly, and efficient Web3 experience for human users. Additionally, Lucy Beta integrates AI Agents into a Mastercard/Visa-like payment network specifically built for AI Agents by the You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network.

Intro — Breathing Life Into History’s Whispers

Ever since whispers of ‘Bitcoin as the enabler’ tantalized cyberspace in December 2011, the seductive symphony of blockchain and AI has been kindling one of the pillars of the next era, setting the stage for the decades to come.

Now, Delysium’s vision of the AI Agent Network whispers a timeless charm, enticing a future that seamlessly harmonizes with the bold aspirations of the past.

As we tread the alluring path of creating truly autonomous software agents that echo the dreams of the past, the You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network, crafted by Delysium, is enchanting the way AI Agents like Lucy communicate and collaborate. Seamlessly and securely woven into our daily lives, these agents are designed to be perfectly in alignment with humanity.

Unveiling the Alluring Mysteries of Lucy Beta

Before the release of Lucy Beta, Lucy Alpha had already gained recognition and support from users worldwide. From its initial release in March 2023 to the end of the preliminary testing phase in December 2023, Lucy Alpha achieved over 1.4 million connected unique wallets.

Entering 2024, Delysium ($AGI) has conducted comprehensive and in-depth research on the market, users, and products over the past six months. This included a complete restructuring of both the product and technical architecture. This complex, meticulous, and time-consuming work has ultimately led to the birth of Lucy Beta.

The Lucy Beta features four key highlights, establishing a solid foundation for increased accessibility and scalability:

  • Infinite Canvas: Visualize multiple possible solutions in a modular format, intuitively enhancing user control and interaction with limitless flexibility for executing streamlined workflows.
  • AI Chat:.A more user-friendly Web3 portal for understanding user intent, planning solutions, and organizing Agents collaboration.
  • Flow: A smarter execution process that simplifies complex tasks into a combination of single functional modules and execution.
  • Board: Integrate seamlessly with multiple reputable data sources into a modular Infrastructure, offering a robust and flexible system.

Together, these features create an innovative and dynamic experience, empowering users to navigate the digital asset landscape with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

Infinite Canvas

Even within the entire AI industry, the UI/UX based on Infinite Canvas represents a highly innovative exploratory direction. Before delving into the details, let’s first share some research from the Delysium ($AGI) team and explain why Infinite Canvas was ultimately chosen as the UI/UX for Lucy Beta.

Prior to the introduction of Lucy, the Web3 industry for AI products aimed at end consumers primarily utilized 2 main types of UI/UX.

The 1st type includes a series of functional plug-ins embedded in AI conversations similar to ChatGPT, where the user triggers the corresponding function when the relevant field is mentioned.

Fabricating this type of AI product is not a complicated process, but as more and more third-party applications are accessed, a very difficult and seemingly insurmountable problem is encountered, i.e., more and more functions can’t be reasonably displayed in chat, making it impossible for users to have an intuitive interaction experience.

The first UI/UX prototype for AI products
The first UI/UX prototype for AI products

The 2nd type involves the AI chat functioning in a copilot-like manner, operating in parallel with the primary user’s dashboard pages.

This UI/UX design, which partially decouples AI chat from functional operations, provides more flexibility for multiple third-party apps to coexist simultaneously (e.g., an app list similar to an app store).

However, it presents a challenge: the user’s attention and intuition can be disrupted. This ambiguity can lead to confusion regarding whether the user should primarily focus on the AI chat for guidance or concentrate on the specific operation while receiving prompts from the AI chat.

The second UI/UX prototype for AI products
The second UI/UX prototype for AI products

Through countless interviews, surveys, and user testing sessions, we discovered a common desire for an intuitive and flexible interface that allows for seamless interaction with AI.

Finally, a Figma-like Infinite Canvas with almost limitless space for third-party application and data source accessibility emerges as the perfect solution.

All functional modules from third-party applications will be presented as single blocks in the Infinite Canvas, which can be flexibly combined by the user to produce all kinds of workflows targeting different goals, respectively.

This revolutionary UI/UX design enables users to visualize multiple possible answers or solutions in a modular format, rather than receiving a single, linear response. This approach not only enhances user control and agency but also fosters a more engaging and interactive experience.

Such a high degree of uncoupling also provides a more flexible space for connecting with AI, which only needs to understand the user’s goals and needs, and then distribute them to the corresponding workflow for automatic operation.

On top of this, users can create, edit and share their workspace/workflows as long as an increasing amount of third-party applications are accessed by Lucy.

Imagine asking Lucy to help you stake AGI or join the hottest campaigns. Instead of a simple reply, Lucy presents a range of options in a visually appealing layout. You can review, edit and share the different paths, evaluate their potential outcomes, and choose the one that best aligns with your goals. This empowers you to make informed decisions while maintaining control over the process.

Product Prototype for Infinite Canvas
Lucy Beta — Delysium workspace

AI Chat

Upon entering the Main Chat Window, users can communicate their intents and goals directly to Lucy, creating a seamless and interactive experience.

For example, users can input, “Help me stake AGI,” or “I want to join the hottest campaigns on Galxe.” Lucy will understand these goals, intelligently plan, and review all relevant workflows.

Lucy’s sophisticated algorithms will then find a detailed workflow, outlining the steps required to achieve these goals. Each step is designed to be executed in an automated manner, minimizing the need for manual actions and making the process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Lucy Beta — AI Chat — Invoking the AGI staking Workflow
Lucy Beta — AI Chat — Invoking the Galxe Campaign Workflow

In fact, Lucy Beta enables the integration of multiple data sources by accessing multiple third-party applications. The existence of information in the form of code is a natural fit for AI, improving the efficiency and quality of its understanding and processing.

In addition to application and platform like Galxe, Lucy Beta integrates with several well-known data sources such as 0xScope, 0x, 1inch, CoinGecko, etc. to ensure that users get the most accurate and up-to-date information through AI Chat, from real-time market trends to in-depth project or token data analysis.

With AI Chat in Lucy, you have a powerful and intuitive AI assistant at your fingertips, ready to enhance your Web3 experience by providing tailored, actionable insights and seamless automation. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, Lucy is here to help you navigate the dynamic world of digital assets with ease and confidence.

Lucy Beta — AI Chat — Inquiring about AGI tokens


To enhance the user’s Web3 experience, having AI-powered chat as the sole interaction portal is insufficient. In Web3, the ultimate goal of accessing data and information is to manage assets through a combination of on-chain and off-chain operations.

Web3 users must complete specific steps and operations to accomplish their goals, particularly for on-chain tasks. This includes checking the relevant tokens, calculating the required gas fees, and triggering the click-to-action of target applications. These tasks can be standardized into fixed-step workflows, which can be automated to minimize manual intervention.

Here Lucy Beta innovatively defines and builds a way to automate and simplify various Web3 operations by means of workflows, known as “Flow”, composed of separate functional modules. By packaging these necessary steps and tasks into simplified workflows, Lucy Beta is able to more efficiently accomplish everything from basic interactions such as transfers and staking to complex on-chain and off-chain operations.

In upcoming updates to Lucy Beta, users and projects will be able to customize and create personalized workflows that can be easily shared with others to spread the ways and methods to experience and learn in Web3.

For example, Lucy Beta integrates Delysium ($AGI) related workflows into the Delysium Workspace, allowing users to perform actions directly within that canvas:

Flow: AGI-USDT LP staking
Flow: AGI staking
Flow: bridge AGI token
Flow: swap AGI token from DEX
Flow: purchase AGI token from CEX
Flow: Join Delysium Campaigns on Galxe


To support the above functionality and seamless interactive experience, Delysium ($AGI) has designed a modular architecture and named it Board.

This architecture allows users to flexibly combine and edit any modules, independently available for and embedded in customized workflows, to achieve diverse on-chain or off-chain objectives.

At the same time, the Board offers significant advantages for product growth. As more third-party applications and networks integrate with Lucy Beta, the marginal cost of access will be dramatically reduced, and the overall user experience will be exponentially improved, creating a network effect.

Fusing AI with Web3

As the 1st Agent of the You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network, Lucy will continue to integrate more applications and networks, particularly various Agents, establishing efficient communication and collaboration mechanisms. This encourages users to create and share more Flows, ultimately achieving integration with the Digital Native Financial Infrastructure built by the You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network for AI Agents.

In the future, it is believed that everyone will have several, if not dozens, of AI Agents, far outnumbering the human population. People will simply delegate their intentions to these AI Agents, which will then complete a multitude of tasks.

To accomplish the tasks entrusted by humans, AI Agents will engage in numerous transactions, with the scale and frequency far exceeding today’s human-to-human transaction networks, by tens or even hundreds of times.

With the rapid advancement of AI technology, it is reasonable to believe that the scale of transactions and payments between AI Agents will be hundreds of times greater than the current human financial network.

You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network is a Mastercard/Visa-like payment network built for AI Agents. It is believed that digitally native AI Agents inherently require a blockchain-based digital native payment infrastructure.

For Delysium ($AGI), the pursuit of innovation is an innate mission. Of course, exceptional design principles are equally indispensable. Each generation has the responsibility to redefine and build the future, and you, the reader of this article, are a crucial part of this exciting journey.

Stay tuned for further updates from Delysium official website and Lucy official website.

About Delysium

Blockchain for AI, AI for Humanity.

Delysium is building a blockchain-based collaboration network for AI Agents, including Lucy and the You Know I Love You (YKILY) Network.

YKILY Network is the Digital Native Financial Infrastructure for AI Agents that is aligned with humanity, ensuring security, scalability, high-speed communication, collaboration and permission-less transactions among massive AI Agents.

Lucy is the AI-Powered Web3 Operating System, also the 1st AI Agent on YKILY Network. Utilizing a modular architecture and canvas-based interactions, Lucy streamlines your Web3 experience through automated workflows, making complex tasks achievable via simple conversations.

Alongside Microsoft, Google, Nvidia, and other prominent pioneers in the AI industry, Delysium has received substantial support from prestigious organizations worldwide, including Y Combinator, Galaxy Interactive, Republic Crypto, Immutable, Polygon, Antalpha Ventures, GSR, and Blockchain Coinvestors.

With a vast and active global community contributing to over 1.4 million unique wallets connected to Lucy, Delysium is expanding the AI ecosystem and aims to onboard more than 1 million AI agents onto the YKILY Network by the end of 2024.

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