A Salty Kiss initiated Chip: Encoding an unbiased Disease Diagnosis in a Neuromorphic platform — Supervised Binary Method to provide point-of-care services to Cystic Fibrosis Patients

Isabelle Frances
Published in
5 min readOct 18, 2023
Encode UTMIST at the hardware level ^ ^

The field of Artificial Intelligence is rapidly advancing, offering valuable support to clinicians in analyzing patient symptoms, classifying disease subtypes, and predicting drug effectiveness. For instance, supervised learning can forecast the progression of Montreal Cognitive Assessment scores in Parkinson’s disease patients, while innovative convolutional neural networks integrated into CT and MRI imaging processes intelligently handle classification and segmentation tasks. However, challenges such as limited on-call appointments in rural areas and expensive consultant fees can place undue pressure on patients’ families. Consequently, having an affordable and intelligent chip for monitoring disease progression and treatment outcomes at one’s disposal becomes highly convenient. Daily point-of-care systems, ranging from paper-based platforms to microfluidic chips, provide practical solutions, exemplified by common nasal screening tests during the peak of the COVID-19 season. Importantly, the non-invasiveness of these devices extends their utility to newborns, facilitating rapid sweat tests. This news article provides an interesting medical case, namely cystic fibrosis, and evaluates a chip-enabled point-of-care system doped with a hardware neural network.

What is Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis, an autosomal recessive disease with fatal consequences, was first identified through a touching observation: newborns afflicted with the condition tasted salty when kissed by their parents. This sweet and affectionate act has spurred advancements across various biomedical engineering fields, from diagnostic methods to molecular biology, as researchers delve into uncovering the disease’s underlying mechanisms and potential treatments.

One distinctive indicator of Cystic Fibrosis is the elevated negative potential observed in the sweat ducts of affected patients. This anomaly in membrane conductance is attributed to the impaired permeability of chloride ions. The primary cause of this impairment lies in mutations within the genes responsible for encoding a protein found in the transmembrane conductance regulator — a channel crucial for modulating chloride ion concentrations inside and outside cells. Specifically, this mutation disrupts molecular splicing patterns, resulting in the abnormal transcription of RNA strands, as illustrated in Figure 1 (A and B).

Fig1. A) Concepts of the consequences of the genetic mutations related to cystic fibrosis at the sub-cellular and organ levels. Variants in CFTR lead to impaired ionic conductance in epithelial cells. Adapted from [Garry R. Cutting, 2014]
Fig1. B) Above genetic mutation and dosage of RNA molecules are contributing to the elevated chloride concentration in the Sweat Gland. Adapted from [Garry R. Cutting, 2014]

Point-of-Care Devices Stepped In

Point-of-care devices can access the intricate molecular information within sweat, and this extends beyond just chips to include wearable devices. For example, these wearable devices can decode the serotonin level hindered in the sweat, since the serotonin is a molecule significantly influenced by an individual’s emotional state. Thus, before delving into the realm of wearable devices, it is crucial to design a chip specifically tailored to extract targeted ion concentrations in the sweat of individuals with cystic fibrosis.

The fundamental design of this chip is illustrated in Figure 2, comprising three key segments: 1) Sensor Module, 2) Hardware Neural Network, and 3) Output Classification.

Fig2. Processing the sweat information in a neuromorphic chip. A) Design of this neuromorphic chip is composed of a sensor module, hardware neural network and output classification. The sensor module extracts the sweat information through a membrane selectively for chloride and potassium particles, and a subsequent hardware neural network is utilized to either process the concentration of targeted particles or update the weights of each particle after the training. [Adapted from van Doremaele, 2023; and Created by Biorender]

To selectively target the chloride anions in the sweat, both ion-selective electrodes and ion-selective organic chemical transistors (IS-OECT) are employed to stabilize the signal inputs linked to the neural network. The updated weight in the machine learning algorithm is regulated by the arrayed electrochemical random-access memory (ECRAM). Since the traditional organic electrochemical transistor coupled with ionic-electronic conductors cannot operate locally and differentiate patients’ personalized situations, this point of care device encodes the neural network reflected by the circuits, effectively returning the unbiased testing results to the on-site patients.

Fig2. B) A simple offset circuit of a sensor is wired to amplify the upcoming sensor signals, and the layout of the active offset circuit in a PCB. Adapted from [van Doremaele, 2023]

Specifically, after accessing the concentration of particles from the sweat, a threshold within the binary selection (high concentration or low concentration) is defined: chloride (high: -15mV, low: -45 mV) and potassium (high: -90mV, low: -60mV) respectively, and a bias section is maintained at the voltage of 60 mV. After the concentration of the particles being detected, the hardware neural network, which is composed of the feed-forward propagation and backpropagation, was initiated correspondingly to update the weights from the inputs of particle concentrations, and the weights while a positive diagnosis (The patients without the cystic fibrosis) is detected from the output classification (Fig2. (A)). [A setup of the off-set circuit was used to amplify the signals coming from the sensor. Additionally, the active circuit in the PCB is used to generate the voltage outputs that can quantify the particle concentration (Fig2. (B)).]

The tested results:

Fig3. Results of the diagnosis of the healthy donors and cystic fibrosis patients. A) A commercially available chip from ISE, Mettler Toledo used to detect the particle concentrations demonstrated by 3 donors. B) Pre-amplified voltage was used to define the threshold that differentiate the high and low particle concentration. Adapted from [van Doremaele, 2023]

Therefore, this device sheds light to the futuristic neuromorphic platform that can encode machine learning at the hardware level to facilitate the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis disease.

Other Neuromorphic Networks

Besides, a more innovative design of the memristive device that mimics the biological neural network can be classified by the excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the input layer before the neuronal activation, and a bias section could be involved for the signal clearances and artifacts elimination. To process extensive datasets and save a certain amount of energy in the future, a multi-layer architecture at both software and hardware level, such as spiking neural networks (SNNs), is called to compare with the traditional artificial neural networks (ANNs). In addition, its application can be expanded to the blood test by combining with targeted bio-conjugates (antibody or fluorescent proteins) to promote a next-generation point-of-care diagnosis chip to unbiasedly reveal the spectrum of diseases.


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