My First Academic Book Review

Hello DS readers. I wanted to share an exciting development with you, I recently had my first academic book review published by Duke University Press! I reviewed the text Until the Storm Passes: Politicians, Democracy, and the Demise of Brazil’s Military Dictatorship by Bryan Pitts. It is a fascinating historical work though the author on a few occasions makes unconvincing connections to modern Brazilian politics that don’t stand up to scrutiny. Even if you don’t particularly care about Brazilian history, the book narrates the interesting conundrum of politicians serving in the legislative branch of a dictatorship. The book contains many inspiring stories of courage, political persecution, and the evenual triumph of democracy over an authoritarian regime.

Pleaes check out my full review here and thank you as always for your support!

University of California Press



Jonathan Madison
Democracy’s Sisyphus

University of Oxford PhD student in Global and Imperial History. I specialize in the study of democracy and the history of Brazil and the United States.