Dreams of a Nation

Democratic National Convention
3 min readJul 26, 2016

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” — Harriet Tubman

If you’ve ever had a dream, you understand what Harriet Tubman was talking about. This evening as I walked around the convention floor, I saw dreams. I saw the fire that dreams can fuel tonight; all in the faces of the delegates that have come together this convention.

Those dreams are carrying the hope of our future. A future that includes clean energy, good jobs and a decent living wage, criminal justice reform and more. A future in which all people feel like they are valued and that they are cared about.

As I walked down the halls, I could hear the excitement. Some saying hello to one another. Some having in-depth conversations. Some just cheering on the speakers on the floor. Each face, different from the last. Each person, unique from the other. All here ready to work together and win in November.

I couldn’t help but wonder why. Why are we so able to come together, despite our differences? Despite our individual dreams? It’s because we know that each dream is just as important. It only makes sense that together, we are greater than the sum of our parts.

This evening, walking down the halls, I’m reminded that our nation is filled with many dreams. As Harriet Tubman said, dreamers have strength, patience and passion. As a party of dreamers I believe that this is true.

We have the strength to fight against inequalities.

We have the patience to continue until the job is done.

We have the passion to find the right solutions and work with others to get there.

Now, let’s change the world.

’Til the next time.

–– Edil Mari



Democratic National Convention

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