“It was the best thing career-wise and work-wise that has ever happened to me.”

Olivia Chow
Democratic National Convention
3 min readApr 5, 2016

We’re accepting internship applications! Join the #DemsinPhilly as an intern. Don’t take our word for it. Hear from a former DemConvention intern on what the opportunity entails.

Shelby Wagenseller in Charlotte (2012)

“My dad and I always talk about how fateful it was. Convention was such a great stepping stone for everything I’ve done since.”

In 2011 Shelby Wagenseller was a junior at Davidson College. She heard about the Democratic National Convention Committee internship in one of her classes.

“I had no idea what to expect. I had no idea what department I wanted to be in. I told them that I like to write so I was placed in Communications. It was the best thing career-wise and work-wise that has ever happened to me. It was the first time I’ve seen the inner workings of a political event.”

Early on, Shelby held an interest in politics. As a kid growing up in Louisville, KY she defended her John Kerry t-shirt in front of her whole class.

While on vacation with her mom, she recalls watching the 2004 Democratic Convention. “I remember exactly where I was during President Obama’s keynote speech. I thought ‘this guy will be president someday.’ The president was the first politician I followed. That’s when I knew that I wanted to get involved.”

Our goal is to build the most engaging, innovative, and forward-looking convention in history. We need people-power to make this happen from logistics, social media, transportation, hospitality, etc. The intern experience is immersive in all the tiny details it takes to build an event of this size. It’s an opportunity that only comes around every four years.

“I was an intern but I didn’t necessarily get treated like one. It made me feel important. It says a lot about the people who were working there.”

As an intern you can expect to see the behind-the-scenes work of putting on a convention. What you should know is that you will be an integral part of the team that makes history happen. You will be working side-by-side with democratic leadership in an unforgettable experience.

“Kristie Greco was the communications director. I was so inspired by her. It was so inspiring to see such a powerful woman like that in such a high position. She’s the type of person who would do anything for me to this day and I would do anything for her.”

Ryan Daniels, Kristie Greco & Shelby Wagenseller at Staff Ball in 2013

Shelby was a communications intern from August 2011 to September 2012. She accredits the internship as the push needed to become a field organizer in Virginia. Since then she joined the 2013 Presidential Inaugural Committee, graduated, and worked more than two years in DC for a full-media firm. Now she is back on the convention team as its first-ever innovation coordinator.

“If you’re thinking about it even a little bit then do it. It doesn’t hurt to apply. If you do a good job it could change your entire life. The people I met, the relationships I made, I will have for the rest of my life. This opportunity is not going to come around for a while again in Philly.”

Anyone can apply, so join us. Applications can be submitted here by April 15th.

The Democratic National Convention will be held July 25th — 28th in Philadelphia, PA. Questions? Feel free to tweet us at @DemConvention

