I’ve been blessed to call Hillary Clinton one of my closest friends since 1978

Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson’s remarks at the Democratic National Convention

Democratic National Convention
2 min readJul 29, 2016


Remarks as prepared for delivery

Mary: I’m Mary Steenburgen, a train conductor’s daughter from North Little Rock, Arkansas.

Ted: And I’m Ted Danson, an archeologist’s son from Flagstaff, Arizona.

Mary: I’ve been blessed to call Hillary Clinton one of my closest friends since 1978. That’s a lot of life. How would I describe her? Loves to laugh, especially at herself; world class listener; quick to forgive; sensitive; empathetic. But, like her mother, Dorothy, if she gets knocked down seven times, she will get up eight.

One night in Arkansas, many years ago, a group of us went back to their place for dessert.

We were sitting on the kitchen counters, and Bill and Hillary were talking in deep nuance about health care for children.

As they were talking, I remember looking at Bill and thinking, “I wish you could become President someday.”

Then I looked at Hillary and thought, “Wouldn’t it say something to our daughters, our sons, to all those people whose lives I know you could touch if you became President? Because I know you. I know you will never stop working your heart out for them!”

That was 38 years ago. Then, it seemed like too much to dream for. But tonight, it seems very possible.

Ted: Anybody can brag. Anybody can talk. Hers is the poetry of doing.

Mary: When people ask us how she is still standing, we say, “It’s simple. She’s got more guts than anybody in the room.”

Ted: The guts to fight for people like the six Americans you’re about to meet.



Democratic National Convention

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