We need Hillary in the White House!

Senator Barbara Boxer’s remarks at the 2016 Democratic National Convention

Democratic National Convention
3 min readJul 27, 2016


Remarks as prepared for delivery

Are you ready to elect the first woman President of the United States? I am beyond ready!

I have known Hillary Clinton for more than 20 years. We’re family. My daughter was married to her brother, and my beloved grandson is her beloved nephew. So I know her as the loving aunt who helped plan my grandson’s birthday parties when he was a toddler.

I saw her rush over after a busy day at the State Department to cheer him on at his high school football games. She was often joined by her devoted mother, Dorothy — a woman who overcame a painful childhood and taught Hillary how one caring person can change a child’s life. Dorothy once wrote me this: “Hillary’s strong sense of empathy for others and a great sense of humor have served her well.”‎

‎We saw Hillary’s heart when, as First Lady, she worked across party lines to bring health care to millions of children. We saw her strength after 9/11 when she stood with first responders and tirelessly fought for them! We saw her leadership when, as Secretary of State, she restored America’s standing in the world. And I saw the light in her eyes when she became a grandmother, and her fight for a better America became even more urgent.

During this campaign, we have seen something else: her toughness. The right wing has thrown everything at her — not only the kitchen sink, but the stove, the refrigerator, and the toaster, too. And guess what? She’s still standing!

We need Hillary in the White House! We need a president who knows it’s just plain wrong that women make 79 cents for every dollar paid to a man. And yet her opponent refuses to support equal pay because “the marketplace is going to make sure of it.” Well, it’s 2016 and we’re still waiting!

Hillary’s opponent says he thinks “wages are too high.” That’s un-American because in our country, if you work full-time, you should never have to live in poverty!

And we can count on Hillary to protect our right to choose. Her opponent said a woman should be “punished” for exercising her right to choose and then picked a running mate who believes Roe v. Wade belongs in the “ash heap of history.” Well, I have a message for Donald Trump and Mike Pence: we are not going back to the dark days when women died in back alleys! We are never going back! We’re moving forward with Hillary Clinton!

You know, there’s a lot of talk about what makes America great. Well, I’ll tell you this, it’s not when we insult each other, it’s not when we tear each other down, it’s when we work together! Build together! Fight together! That’s what makes America great! That’s what Hillary Clinton will do!

And that’s why Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States!



Democratic National Convention

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