We need leadership that builds an America that’s stronger together

Tom Wolf
Democratic National Convention
3 min readJul 26, 2016

This week we have the honor of hosting the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia — and after seeing what Donald Trump did in Cleveland, I’m ready to get to work and win this election for Hillary and other Democrats.

Throughout our storied history, Pennsylvania has been the setting where people have come together to build a more united, stronger land for all.

William Penn arrived here on a ship called the “Welcome” and he established a colony with the values of tolerance and inclusion as the keystones to its foundation. He envisioned this place as a place where families of all faiths could come to create a better future for their children.

It was here that our Founding Fathers came together to declare independence and launch the American experiment in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And it was in my home county of York where the Articles of Confederation were drafted and adopted, and our country’s government started as a loose confederation of states.

It took less than eight years for the founders to realize that we’re stronger together.

The Constitution of the United States of America, drafted and signed here in Pennsylvania, unites us to form a more perfect union with justice, equality, and prosperity for all.

As Americans, our bond has been tested before but we’ve always risen to defeat hatred and those who seek to divide us.

This election is no longer about Republicans vs. Democrats. It’s about standing up to Donald Trump’s politics of division and protecting the values that William Penn and our Founding Fathers bestowed upon this land.

As a Pennsylvanian, I am so proud that we are nominating Hillary Clinton for President of the United States — right here in Pennsylvania. It’s critical that we help Hillary and other Democrats win this November, and this week’s convention marks the start of a very important next few months for the party.

And I’m proud that Democrats have built the most forward thinking, inclusive platform in history. Together, we’re inviting all Americans to participate in our democracy with access to affordable health care, a strong public education, affordable college, a justice system that works for everyone, and jobs that allow workers to support a family and join the middle class.

As governor, I’ve been working on many of these issues thanks to the support of people like you. We expanded Medicaid and as a result, more than 650,000 Pennsylvanians have access to affordable health care. We brought Republicans and Democrats together to make a historic investment in public education and increase funding for higher education for the first time in five years. We’re revitalizing the manufacturing industry, with Shell’s Ethane Cracker plant estimated to bring thousands of jobs and $6 billion in economic activity to Western Pennsylvania. Apple, Amazon, Google, Uber — the who’s who of the technology economy — have all expanded operations in our state. Our economy is stronger when we make things and when we lead in the jobs of tomorrow.

Make no mistake — we have more work to do, and we need leadership in Washington and in Harrisburg that unites us to build an America that’s stronger together. We need to elect Hillary Clinton for President, Katie McGinty for the U.S. Senate, Josh Shapiro for Pennsylvania Attorney General, and other Democrats across our commonwealth.

