What’s the Convention Like in Real Life?

Democratic National Convention
3 min readJul 28, 2016

Turn on the T.V. and you’ll see a parade of special guests and speakers at the Democratic National Convention. But what’s it like for everyone else in attendance? We went around and asked folks what they’ll tell their friends and family about the experience when they get home. If there’s one takeaway memory you think you’ll share, what would it be?

Barbara “Babs” Siperstein, New Jersey

We’re bringing people together. There’s a healing process happening, both among people in the transgender caucus as well as with others at the convention more widely. I’ll remember being able to relate my experience as an outsider and feel heard — and I’ll relish the opportunities we’ve all had to share our personal stories. I first went to the DNC in 2004, and since then, there has been a rapid evolution in acceptance and inclusion. We have a trans speaker, 28 delegates, and our first transgender official at the DNC. We’re living the words of equality and walking the walk. We’re doing it. We are part of the sea change.

Gary Evans, New York

I’ll bring back memories of the energy and people from all walks of life. When Michelle Obama said that the house she lives in was built by slaves — and that now her daughters play on that lawn, everyone cried. I’m 63 years old and that moment was special. America has been great since I was born in 1952.

Jana Hoffa, Minnesota

It’s awe-inspiring to hear other people’s stories — especially hearing the stories of those affected by the tragedy in Sandy Hook. I feel fired up by the knowledge that we have facts on our side. I’m realizing how big of a party we are—it’s amazing how diverse and compassionate the people here are.

Gail Mason, Brooklyn

It’s amazing to see so many people coming together. Hearing people like Bernie and Michelle Obama speak in person, you feel the words they’re saying. I had NAACP interns here, and the dialogue that they opened for a younger generation of people and the importance of voting — not just in big elections like this, but their local elections, too — was amazing.

Margaret Jamal, Philadelphia

I’m just struck by the amazing amount of people that are here. Everything is positive. Even with the disagreements, so many people are coming together around a positive vibe.



Democratic National Convention

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