When Women Succeed, America Succeeds

Democratic National Convention
4 min readJul 27, 2016
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9) addresses the Convention. Photo credit Rebecca Brubaker

The women of the U.S. House of Representatives flooded the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia tonight as a symbol of their unwavering support for the newly nominated Democratic candidate for President of the United States, Hillary Clinton.

In the city where our founding fathers declared independence, creating our nation, and 96 years after women first won the right to vote, America has taken another giant leap forward.

“We are preparing to shatter the highest, strongest marble ceiling in our country by electing Hillary Clinton President of the United States.” — U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

United in their presence onstage and agenda to move the country forward, the women of the U.S. House of Representatives laid out their plan—which they will accomplish by working side by side with a newly elected President Hillary Clinton—to make America work better for women and families across the country.

Unlock the Full Potential of Women

We have to lift women up. Giving them the ability to unlock their full potential is a driving force to better support working families. By raising the minimum wage, ensuring equal pay for equal work, providing affordable, quality child care, and strengthening retirement, the House Democrats and Hillary Clinton are going to make sure women have the tools they need to thrive.

Protect Women’s Rights and Expanding Opportunities

“It’s 2016 and American women are not going back — we are moving forward,” — U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky (IL)

Hillary Clinton and House Democrats will continue to protect women’s rights, and particularly decisions between a woman and her doctor. Republicans continually attack and attempt to chip away at a woman’s right to choose — making it more difficult and more expensive for a woman to access quality health care. Women in Congress — and hopefully, come November, the White House — will use their voices to protect women’s right to make their own decisions about their bodies.

Foster Environment for Economic Growth

Female entrepreneurs are breaking barriers in the business world every day — and they’re doing it while facing unique challenges and often pioneering their own path to success. By expanding access to capital and meeting the unique needs of female small business owners, Hillary Clinton and House Democrats will work to make sure American businesswomen and innovators are able to compete in the global market and create good jobs — while investing in the future of our communities at the same time.

And that’s what U.S. Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman from New Jersey spoke to—that America is stronger when everyone has a fair shot. We can help make that happen by creating good jobs while also updating critical infrastructure, expanding access to high-speed internet, and lifting the burden of crushing student debt off the backs of millions Americans.

Stand Up for Veterans and Military Families

House Democrats will work with Hillary Clinton to make sure we live up to our responsibility to provide the health care, education, and support veterans and servicemembers earn when they return home. Hillary Clinton has a long history of standing up for our nation’s veterans, and she has a comprehensive plan that works to address the challenges veterans and military families face.

Give Hardworking Families Back their Voice in Politics

“In a democracy, it is the voices of people, not the checkbook of the privileged that must drive our politics and our policies,” — U.S. Representative Katherine Clark (MA)

Hardworking families should be the ones driving the political process — not the money of special interests. House Democrats are committed to restoring the process and input of a true democracy by overturning Citizens United.

Address Threats at Home and Abroad

Ensuring the safety of Americans in their homes and communities is a vital component to the success of women and hardworking families. House Democrats will work vigilantly to address threats against our nation with our allies around the world. Smart, strategic leadership is what we need in America — and Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State shows she has the skills, experience, and knowledge to protect hardworking American families.

Disarm Hate

Florida congressional candidate and Orlando’s first woman Chief of Police, Val Demings, pledged to work with the House Democrats and President Hillary Clinton to make sure criminals and suspected terrorists can’t easily access weapons. America has faced heartbreaking tragedy after heartbreaking tragedy, and yet House Republicans refuse to take the necessary actions to make sure our communities are safe. House Democrats and Hillary Clinton won’t stand for this deliberate and irresponsible inaction.

Together, House Democrats made clear through commonsense policy proposals and a progressive agenda that there is a lot of work ahead to help women and working families get ahead — but it can and will be accomplished with the help of Hillary Clinton in the White House.

Because when women succeed, America succeeds.

— Karly Moen



Democratic National Convention

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