While Donald Trump is talking about building walls, Hillary Clinton is working to build an infrastructure of opportunity

Joaquin Castro’s speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention

Democratic National Convention
3 min readJul 28, 2016


Remarks as prepared for delivery

In 1922, my grandmother came to Texas from Mexico. She wasn’t a rapist or a murderer. She was a six-year-old orphan. As a girl, she walked past storefront signs that read “No Dogs or Mexicans Allowed.” Her life wasn’t easy. And she didn’t always feel welcomed. But she never stopped believing in America’s sacred promise that her sacrifices would be rewarded with opportunity for herself and her family. She kept up her part of the promise by working her whole life: babysitting, cooking, and cleaning houses.

And the fact that her grandson is standing here on this stage is proof that America kept its promise, too.

My brother, Julián, and I know that our story isn’t unique. This room is filled with proud Americans who can tell similar stories. Great-grandchildren of Irish immigrants who saw signs that said “No Irish Need Apply” and just worked harder. Grandchildren of Americans who suffered in World War II internment camps — the same camps Donald Trump has defended — and grew up to be business owners, war heroes, and public servants. Children of immigrants who have contributed to our country as doctors, police officers, and — guess what — impartial judges.

Their story is our story. It’s America’s story. And make no mistake: The hero of that story is never the one who sides with hate. The hero of that story will never be Donald Trump. Americans know that the choices he offers are false ones.

Prosperity is not a zero-sum game. We can create millions of new jobs and raise the minimum wage. National security is not a zero-sum game. We can keep America safe and still welcome the next generation of immigrants without a religious litmus test. Justice is not a zero-sum game. We can back our brave men and women in blue and still believe that Black Lives Matter. These aren’t zero-sum games. They aren’t games at all.

But do you know how many plans Donald Trump has to accomplish these things? Zero!

While Donald Trump is talking about building walls, Hillary Clinton is working to build an infrastructure of opportunity — a way for Americans to get where they want to go in life: great schools to prepare us for college and career, a strong health care system, and an economy where no one who works full time lives in poverty.

Republicans would have you believe creating opportunity means giving tax breaks to corporations and the super wealthy. Well, I’ve met a lot of Americans in my life. And not one of them has ever told me that their family came to this country looking for the lowest corporate tax rate.

The promise of America is much bigger than that. And there’s room in it for everyone. Donald Trump isn’t going to keep that promise. He’s not even going to try. But Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine will.

That’s why I’m asking all of you to go to “IWillVote.com.” Make sure you’re registered. Make sure you know where to go. Make sure the next chapter of our great American story is written by us!

My grandmother believed America was the greatest nation in the world.

And I’m with Hillary so our grandkids will believe that, too.



Democratic National Convention

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