Humans and Tech

Part 3 — Symbiotic relationship:

1 min readJan 23, 2017


As Lidlicker professed the future of technology being symbiotic with humans, the relationship has become ever more clear and accurate in describing our interactions with technology.

Think about the sequences of raising a child, or as I will refer to it, “upbringing.” When raised by a parent(s) the child often takes many ideals from the host. Think about conservative parents passing on the same values to said children, for example.

Now think about this same idea in reference to “raising” a smartphone or Google account. When I search a key term, for instance, “cats.” My search results come up with more documentaries about large wild animal cats. On the other hand, my girlfriend’s comes up with more information about training cats, and cat adoption centers.

The two come up with different results just as a human does in a political discussion due to differential upbringing. We are raising our technology to think like “us.”



Writings on observations and research concerning all that is New Media.