Ludology —

Joshua Keith Hooker
Democratize the People!
2 min readApr 26, 2017


Thoughts after Hamlet on the Holodeck, by Janet Murray.

Long has been the importance of storytelling. The passing down of knowledge, what to’s, and what not’s, all for the purposes of reproductive success and living the human experience.

Looking at the importance and transformation of storytelling, Ludologists study games, and how they shape the consciousness in narrative.

Storytelling has transformed in many ways, but for myself to grasp the concept concerning alternative mediums, I think about Hamlet’s extensive use of the soliloquy, as Murray describes for readers.

Confession Cam

The soliloquy gave the audience, the recipients, a chance to know something that other members of the play did not know. This happens now with the confession camera, on many reality television shows. The content of these confessions may be the same, but the actual medium — back to McLuhan — of the content determines the message.

Television can reach more viewers. More people can experience the story. With video games, however, there is not only more people experiencing the story — there are audience members controlling the story.

Interactivity is almost the opposite of narrative; narrative flows under the direction of the author, while interactivity depends on the player for motive power. (Adams 1999)

Henry Jenkins uses this quote from Adams to specify a Ludologists’ perspective. What we have now is a story being created, but not necessarily followed. Interesting enough is the implication of a game such as Grand Theft Auto.

Participating in Narrative

GTO offers the participant, as Jenkins would contend, the option to follow narrative, but also to create one in the digital world. The two options can also be noted as either storyline procedural or passive free roaming.

Art is cut and dry. In a book there are explanations, symbols, etc., but in life there are infinite variables devoid of structures that make art pleasing.

The future of cyberspace in relationship to narrative is about how it will help humans function with less stress about life. How to be more definite in living. Narrative in cyberspace, being so entangled, variable, and immersive, will serve as an artistic expressive form pushing past linear formats. 20th century perception is all about leaving the linear beginning and set ending format, and moving towards the “what if?” possibility.

This concept continues viable when thinking about painting. Painting became less impactful because it was limited by the medium. Then Cubism offered and represented a “figure descending a staircase” which offered movement, in content, that we dreamed of being able to capture.

And now, we have movies, and virtual reality video games. We just want more. We want to be closer to meaning and definition.



Joshua Keith Hooker
Democratize the People!

Writings on observations and research concerning all that is New Media.