Investing In RAD Diversified: 122.22% Return in 3 years

Caleb Naysmith
4 min readMar 16, 2023

Learn everything you need to know about how RAD Diversified REIT offers diversification and strong returns for savvy investors

Photo by Sean Pollock on Unsplash

Investing in RAD Diversified gives investors exposure to the much sought after real estate market.

The global real estate market is valued at $280 trillion globally and makes up one of the strongest asset classes in the world. There is only a limited amount of land on the planet, and the global population continues to increase. Whether it be farming, housing, businesses or other areas of life, it all requires land. This makes it one of the most stable and consistent investment opportunities out there.

But RADD isn’t your typical real estate investment. RADD is a public, non-traded REIT. Here’s what that means for investors…

What is RAD Diversified?

RAD Diversified’s Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) allow investors access to broad real estate categories and access to this asset class. One of the biggest barriers to entry with real estate investing is the high upfront costs and time commitment. Many people likely want to diversify into real estate but don’t want to take out a mortgage or deal with managing tenants and repairs.

RADD allows anyone to invest in their REIT for a fraction of the cost of traditional real estate, and they do all the work for you. The REIT has properties to generate income, accumulate value or both.

How does the RADD Diversified work?

At the investor level, it’s as simple as purchasing shares and letting it accumulate value over time. On the backend, RADD is busy putting your money to work.

They do this in a host of ways. One of RADD’s many strengths is ‘fixer-uppers.’ Meaning they will buy up properties, usually cash-flowing residential and multi-family units, that need repairs and use their skills and expertise to add significant value to those homes. This means RADD can get properties at compressed values, then profit from the difference between the repair costs and the new value of the homes. This also means, once repaired, they can charge more for rent resulting in more monthly income.

Obviously, there are a host of other options at their disposal to make you money. From income-producing farms across the U.S. to rental properties, they utilize a host of strategies to help make you money. But that’s what makes the REIT great: They put your money to work for you.

RADD REIT Traction & Performance

Fortunately for investors, RADD has already been operating for several years and proving out its track record. So far, it’s been incredibly successful. Since 2019, RAD Diversified REIT is up 122.22% and doing incredibly well despite the stock market decline. While the S&P500 had a staggering return of 26.61% in 2021, RADD outperformed this increasing in value by 35% in 2021.

Potentially more impressive is how they perform in the down market. Despite the broader macroeconomic concerns going on, RADD is proving itself as a diversification option for those that want consistency despite turbulent markets. In 2022, while nearly every other asset class went down, including many investments tied to Real Estate, RADD gave back 13% in distributions to investors. Meaning they continued to grow in 2022, ultimately amassing over $100 million worth of properties for the year.

Is RAD Diversified REIT a Good Investment?

RADD has a strong and positive track record and a REIT can be a great way to diversify into real estate . Generally, it’s best for investors to do their own research and understand the investment before making any decisions. But for investors wanting a passive investment in a Real Estate, RADD can be a strong and consistent option for investors.

How will investors see a return in RAD Diversified REIT?

There are two primary ways to see a return when investing in the RAD Diversified REIT. The most common way would likely be periodic distributions from the income from selling or renting units. Meaning, when rental units pay rent every month, RADD can take that money and give dividends based on those earnings. This can be great for investors looking for a passive income for their investments.

The other way is through the appreciation of their share price. Since 2019, RADDs share price has returned 122.22%, meaning investors are sitting on hefty gains. During that 122% run, investors also saw dividends throughout the process, meaning they are sitting on further gains.

Is RAD Diversified REIT legitimate?

Yes, RADD is completely legitimate.

How to Invest in RAD Diversified REIT

For those looking to invest in the RAD Diversified REIT, it’s simple. Just follow the link here and click invest.

Then follow the prompts on the page. It might ask for some quick questions, but once you’re done, you’ll officially be invested in Real Estate.

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Caleb Naysmith

Head of Startup News at Benzinga, Founder of Democratizing.Finance — J.D., Army Officer, and writing about Startups and Equity Crowdfunding!