Updates Sept 2019: WEEK 2

Baha Jlassi


  1. Updates from the R&D team
    After publishing successfully two journal papers, the Demystify team is working on a “Synthesis paper” that combines both PoCA and IBR protocols. The objective is to publish it in a top tier journal.
  2. Weekly Dev team meeting
    . Working with Native React cross-platform to develop the new mobile application ( see the picture for a sneak peek).
    · Web Application UI is ready and working on the integration phase with the end-points is 90% ready.
    · Working with our partner Sqoin (Sqoin.us) to launch soon the “Basic Demystify Blockchain”
  3. In terms of Partnership
    The non-fungible token alliance is a Demystify partner



Baha Jlassi

CEO of Demystify || Blockchain Technology Expert with a vision to popularize it worldwide. https://www.linkedin.com/in/baha-jlassi