COBOL in the App Store? — 2022

Donna M. Jennings
Demystifying Programming
3 min readOct 26, 2022


Original Photo of IPhone Screen Showing Apps. Taken by the Author.

From the Techopedia, “An app store refers to an online shop where customers can purchase and download various software applications. Generally speaking, the apps sold through app stores are intended for mobile devices.”

A long way from the technology that built the app store is COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language), a 63-year-old programming language, which is normally compiled and run on a Mainframe computer system in a legacy environment.

To see if these two worlds meet in 2022, I did a quick search on “COBOL” in the App Store. It gave me only 4 results:

  1. COBOL Programming Language
  2. Learn COBOL Programming 2022
  3. LongRange
  4. Julianator

Who would have thought that COBOL would ever be applicable in an App World? The info below is a brief discussion of each App that showed up in the search. It’s not meant to be a review or a rating, just some cursory observations. Perhaps future articles will provide more detail.

COBOL Programming Language

The first app is subtitled “Learning to code with Cobol”. It looks like a good app for the person wanting to learn the basics, while not getting into too much detail. This app lets you compile, build, and run COBOL code. I got the app…



Donna M. Jennings
Demystifying Programming

My over 25 year career has been as a Programmer/Analyst, and I love to write. I try to combine the two when I can. “You can make anything by writing”—C.S. Lewis