Women in Cryptocurrency

Written By Faith Avan-Nomayo for TruDex™

Yulia Pak
2 min readJan 19, 2018


The global tech industry has historically been a largely male-dominated industry. Women often make up a considerably lower percentage of the workforce. This usually holds true for most levels of the industry, from CEOs to the workers in the bullpen. The same trend seems to be true for the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology niche as well.

The cryptocurrency industry is relatively new. In the early days from 2009 to 2011, it was common in Bitcoin conferences to have zero female presence in the room except for journalists. One commentator even went as far as to label cryptocurrency as having a “pale male problem.”

A few years ago, a Fusion piece about the lack of representation of women in Bitcoin caused a great deal of controversy within the industry. The “cryptocurrency-tweetosphere” became awash with a rebuttal of Felix Salmon’s infamous “Brocoin” tweet. The tweet stated that he carried out a cursory search for substantive participation and contribution of women in the crypto industry and turned up with “zero”, “zilch”, “nothing.”

The truth is, that while the industry continues to be dominated by males, there are women who are making significant contributions to the industry. Women are involved in almost all constituent segments from cryptocurrency development to exchange and trading platform, and even online cryptocurrency forums. In this article, some of the leading women in cryptocurrency will be profiled.

See TruDex™ list of Female Entrepreneurs in Blockchain in the official blog → https://www.trudex.io/women-in-cryptocurrency/

