Join Denali at Yahoo Hack Together, March 21–28th!

Jazmin Orozco
Denali Design
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2021


On March 21–28th, Yahoo/Verizon Media will be hosting Yahoo Hack Together, an open-source hackathon. Check out the exciting announcement here.

Denali (open-source themeable design system) will be participating and we’d love to see you there! Please join us and the hackathon community as we look to evolve Denali and a whole host of other awesome open-source projects. We’ll be welcoming contributions to our CSS, Ember, and icon library repositories.

We’re holding office hours during the event if you’d like to chat:

Mar. 22 12:30pm — 1:30pm PT

Mar. 24 11:30am — 12:30pm PT

Mar. 26 11:30am — 12:30pm PT

Just follow this google hangout link at any point during those times to join the team. Whether you’re just popping in to say hello or need an answer to a question, we’re more than happy to meet with you!

In the meantime, check out Denali’s Github and familiarize yourself with our framework and icon repositories. Additionally, you can read our “Getting started” and “Theme your app” guides so you’re ready to go on the 21st.

If you’d like to get in touch with the team directly email us at or join our slack channel. You can also follow us on Medium and Twitter to get the latest news.

