Best News Kababayans: Instant Cash Remittance Transactions Now Available!

Denarii Cash
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2019

Denarii Cash - the app that brought convenience and ease with money remittances for Filipinos in the UAE and Saudi Arabia is now made even better!

The Denarii team has just announced that cash transactions to any bank and cash pick-up point to the Philippines is now INSTANT! This means sending money will now be instant and the transaction changes will reflect real-time. #ZEROWAITINGTIME

So how does this change things? What can users expect from this?

Previous transactions can be cleared within several seconds or it can go as long as 48 hours. And it’s slightly inconvenient when money is needed for emergencies. It means your loved ones still need to wait for a few hours before they can receive the funds. This time, it’s different. Everything is real-time and everything is done in an instant!

Good news for our Denarii Cash users

We know that many of our users worry about the waiting time their families have to go through when they send money. By improving the remittance delivery time, money sent can be received and picked up immediately.

The project has now become a reality

Denarii cash always seeks to improve in every aspect possible. It’s been a journey. And for 2 months, this has been the sole focus of the whole team. There were a few bumps along the road. But we’re proud to offer and share the new progress we’ve made. This is for all the users of Denarii Cash!

Download or update your Denarii Cash app today and enjoy this new feature!

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Denarii Cash

We are the team behind DenariiCash, a money transfer app that helps overseas workers to send money home with #ZEROFEES transaction.