Art Farming Beta is open! Register Art NFTs

Published in
1 min readJul 21, 2021

Art Farming Beta is open!

Fill out the below application form to participate.

For those of who cannot see the embedded application form:

  • The farm will start to distribute DENA at the rate of 500 DENA per week from July 21st, 2021, at 11:00, am UTC.
  • The participant will share the distributed DENA in proportion to their registered Art Index.
  • The registration grace period is until July 23st, 2021, at 11:00, am UTC. In other words, we will count all the registration happened before the grace period as it occurred before July 21st, 2021, at 11:00, am UTC
  • Payout will happen every two weeks within 7 days after settlement.
  • You can combine 1 frame for 1 art for the Art Index Boost
  • Registration Fee and combining fee is 1 DENA per art. (Buy DENA> or Farm DENA>)
    e.g. If you want to register 1 art and combine it with a frame, you need 2 DENA
    The application form has the guide for the payment.

