DENA Buyback Executed

Published in
Jul 9, 2021

As the DeNations team announced about the “DENA Buyback Policy” before, we successfully executed the buyback of DENA to support its value.

Details are following:

Buyback Execution Date: July 9th, 2021, 03:40:34 AM UTC

1st ETH OUT: 5
1st DENA IN: 1,6226.33
DENA IN Price: 6.526232603
DENA Price (Before): 6.2847
DENA Price (After): 6.63
Price Increase Rate: 5.49%

2nd ETH OUT: 5
2nd DENA IN: 1,516.84
DENA IN Price: 6.997309582
DENA Price (Before): 6.6758
DENA Price (After): 7.06
Price Increase Rate: 5.76%

Important to note:

  • Buyback execution may happen at arbitrary times at our discretion without prior notice to prevent abusing activity of arbitrage players. Buyback frequency may be also arbitrary.
  • Next Buyback Execution may also happen arbitrarily without prior notice.

