DENA Monetary Policy

Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2020

Decentralized Nations believes that the future of the countries, cities and Earth in which we live is more developed and prosperous than in the past, and expects the value of the ecosystem in Decentralized Nations to rise as well. The total value of DENA represents the value of the ecosystem of Decentralized Nations. To increase the value of DENA, we operate the following monetary policy.

  • Burn
    Platform fees (NFT registration fee, NFT upgrade)that users have paid in terms of DENA will be collected and burned monthly.
  • Inflation
    A perpetual inflation rate of 1~5% per year will begin after 4 years, ensuring continued participation of users at the expense of passive DENA holders. A proper inflation rate can motivate platform activities, thereby increasing platform value and eventually increasing DENA’s value.
    1) 100% of newly minted DENA will be allocated to community reward
    2) The default inflation rate is set to 3%
    3) Holders of DENA can vote to change the inflation rate from 1% to 5%.(requires ⅔ agreement with at least 4% of circulating DENA participating)
  • Buyback
    Uses part of the revenue from NFT new sales to buy DENA from market. As the Earth we belong to grows and prosper, the more proportion of NFT sales used to buy DENA increases. (e.g.) The lower the global average temperature becomes or the lower the hunger rate goes, the higher the strength of the Buyback.)

