Nation Ownership NFT Minting

Published in
Nov 1, 2021

Below is the earlier announcement. A new round policy of NFT sale will be implemented, and the Nation Ownership NFTs will be minted and listed on the OpenSea at UTC 8:00 AM.

The round policy of NFT sale

  • Original: A total of 1,000 Ownerships of each nation are not minted at once but are minted and sold on Mondays and Thursdays by round. Additional minting is implemented as the current round of sales is sold out.
  • New: Unminted Nations Ownerships (out of 1,000 total) will be minted and are listed at once.

e.g. In the case of Indonesian Ownership, which currently has 190 minted, the remaining 810 Ownerships, which have not been minted yet, will be newly minted.

See detail >

