Presidents Rewards Event

Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2022

DeNations marketplace has officially launched! Along with the ‘$100,000 Land NFT Airdrop Event’, there will be a bonus DENA rewards for those who become the Presidents of 18 nations.
The total pool size of the President Rewards is 17,000 DENA.

How to participate

  • In order to become a president, you must have the most Nation Ownership NFT of the nation.
  • You must have an account and log in at & Stake Nation Ownership NFT by connecting your wallet.
  • Only 18 nations are eligible for this event. Currently, 18 nations do not have a president. Therefore, you can become a president by owning a small amount of NFT.

DeNations Marketplace (Buy Nation Ownership NFT)

Snapshot Date

1st: 1/4, 11:59 pm (UTC)
2nd: 1/11, 11:59 pm (UTC)
3rd: 1/18, 11:59 pm (UTC)
4th: 1/25, 11:59 pm (UTC)

Reward Information

DENA Reward Amount

18 Eligible Nations for President Rewards

  • Germany
  • Canada
  • Russian Federation
  • Austria
  • Denmark
  • Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Qatar
  • Slovenia
  • Slovakia
  • Oman
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bangladesh
  • Latvia
  • Syrian Arab Republic
  • Guatemala
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Libya
  • Tunisia

President Rewards Vesting & Rules

Vesting Schedule: President Rewards will be vested 4 times. 1/4 of your DENA reward will be vested every week. DENA will be sent to your wallet within 3 business days after the snapshot.

※President Rewards Rule
Presidents must keep their presidencies until their rewards are fully vested. If another player buys more Nation Ownership NFT and becomes a new president, the original participant will not get their reward starting from the next snapshot.

