Register your Ownerships and Get Benefits.

Published in
Mar 31, 2021

Registration through form is currently stopped temporarily due to data migration.

Ownership Registration and Tax Farming web application will be released soon! Please stay tuned!

Current registration status (as of 04/16/2021)

Current DN boosted ownership status

Above registration status will be automatically applicated to the web application.

  • Contact if you have any issues regarding the registration.

About Ownership Registration

  • Once you register, you DO NOT need to register twice, unless you transfer or sell your Nation Ownership to other Ethereum account.
  • After you register your Ownerships, you qualify for future 1) Tax Farming, 2) Founder Tax.
  • Register early, since earlier registration time is the tie-breaker of Founder Tax ranking.
  • Registration fee is 1 DENA per Ownership.
  • All registration fee will be BURNED.

