Introducing DENA

Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2020

DENA(Decentralized Nations Token) is a key currency of Decentralized Nations Platform. 1 million DENA have been minted at genesis and will become accessible over the course of 4 years.

Contract Address: 0x15F0EEDF9Ce24fc4b6826E590A8292CE5524a1DA

Initial Allocation of DENA

DENA is used as 1) Platform Governance , 2) Platform Utility , 3) Platform Reward.

Usages of DENA


  • NFT Minting
    The DENA owner has the right to vote on which of the new NFT assets to issue among the proposed candidates by Smatoos. Moreover, Smatoos will continue to delegate NFT minting governance to the community, which will be announced in the future.
  • Inflation
    The DENA owner has the right to vote on the annual DENA inflation rate which starts after 4 years of initial DENA launch.
  • Community Reward Program
    The DENA owner has the right to vote to suggest a new community reward program.
  • Proposals
    DENA owners can submit new proposals to improve the Decentralized Nations.



  • Liquidity Mining
    You can supply DENA liquidity to well known decentralized exchanges and stake received LP token to earn DENA and a portion of the trading fee as a reward. The amount of DENA mined is determined by
    1. Amount of your LP token staked / Total amount of LP token staked
    2. DENA reward pool size of corresponding liquidity pair
  • Tax Farming
    You can stake a Digital Fame Asset NFT token to earn DENA as a reward. The amount of DENA mined is determined by
    1. D-GDP of staked NFT/Total D-GDP of staked NFT staked
    2. DENA reward pool size of corresponding NFT mining pool
    * Design of D-GDP of NFT will be released soon.
  • Social Farming
    Introduce DeNations to your friend and earn 10% of DENA which is mined by all of your friends through your URL.

4 year Release Schedule

1 million DENA have been minted at genesis and will become accessible over the course of 4 years. The initial four-year release schedule is as follows:

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