Hello! (from Medium)

a.k.a. Why you’re hearing from me after practically a year-and-a-half of not writing

Eden Wen
2 min readMar 6, 2018


Photo by R Mo on Unsplash

Friends of the EdenWen.com blog (and now, random Medium users)! It’s been a while. January 27, 2017 was my last publicized post. Before that, October 14, 2016. I apologize for the inconsistency.

A lot has happened since. For example, I got married! And now I am Eden Soper instead of Eden Wen (a silly, but also relevant reason why I haven’t blogged because idk if I should post things on the old blog now that I’m no longer the Eden of Eden Wen dot com (hm…I think there’s a fallacy in that…it’s late and I’m tired…shhhhhh)).

I had also lost all motivation to write. Writing used to be my solace, my E-MO-TION-al and mental release, and yet, I lost it all at my last job. I felt so blocked and depressed by a suffocating/disappointing career and lack of direction. Everything about my creativity suffered during that time. I was also dating a kind, patient boy (to whom I’m now married) who saw my unhappiness and recognized my suffering and encouraged me to find and practice my creativity again. He encouraged me to quit my job and attend a bootcamp for UX design. And here I am now, working an internship that I really love, baffled that I can lose track of time and stay there till 5:30 pm by accident because I was so enveloped in what I was designing. To that cute boy, I say mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah.

I also have Dan Harmon and Jessica Gao (in place of Stephen King) to thank for their wise words on their latest podcast episode of Whiting Wongs, “I Hate Writing, I Love Having Written,” specifically 45:51 to 54:29. In it, Dan talks about how he hates writing, but his therapist reminded him that there was a time he loved it. And for him—and me and so many others—his love for writing was when he was writing a blog every day. It was a place (before he became famous) where he could anonymously and publicly be vulnerable to himself. It was a form of therapy to him as it was for me, too.

His story also reminded Jessica that she used to blog and she echoed Stephen King’s advice: You can’t wait for the muse to come to start writing. When you make a habit of writing every day, the muse will learn to come.

And so here I am, restarting my habit of blogging hoping that my muse will come back to me and put strength back into my marrows.

You all are beautiful and I love you all.

❤ Eden

