Naughty Eden Roamers.
Adam, Eve And The Alleged Original Sin
Forbidden fruit …do you see what I see?
Today, in a separate post I wrote a humorous series of limericks that posed a few interesting and harmless questions.
I learned some cool stuff while compiling the poem, and it got my wheels turning more than usual.
While looking through ancient depictions of the story of Adam and Eve I noticed the apples looked like female parts while a snake is a common phallic shape. Look at the featured image above. Do you also notice the shapely fruits?
I think the story was told wrong in most interpretations. I think the whole thing is about mating, and about mankind using the gift of reasoning to do what they want. Freewill is the most cherished human privilege, even according to the Bible.
Freewill is a precious gift from God, for it lets us love him with our “whole heart” — because we want to. — Matthew 22:37.