If things were slightly different
Adam’s Eggplant: A Limerick Of Ancient Comedy
What if Eve took the fall for her man?
updated 5/2/2022
The Garden Of Eden story as it might have happened in the format of a Limerick.
Young Adam was born in a garden
One day he said “I beg your pardon”
“Alone I have been,”
“And I wonder just when”
“Will a girl help some parts of me harden?”
God looked at Adam and giggled
Adam’s brow furrowed and wiggled
God said, “Okay look.”
“She can’t clean, she can’t cook.”
“But that Eve, she sure does have a nice jiggle.”
Eve stood and stared at her body
Adam said, “Eve you’re a hottie!”
She looked up and saw
She was born an outlaw
Her instinct was instantly naughty.
She wanted to taste every sample
The juice from each fruit was quite ample.
She couldn’t resist
the sweet apple kiss
she bit into the one off-limits Apple.