Marvelous neural transmissions ahead.

Dendrites: Electrical Tree-Shaped Messengers In Our Brains

Also Dendrites: A publication that will satisfy your appetite for good reading material. Writers welcome.

Lori Brown, Writer
Published in
5 min readMay 25, 2020


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Why Is The Name Of The Pub Dendrites?

This post and the publication it is in, Dendrites, are both named after the marvelous electrical messengers that conduct their business (and their electricity) in the human brain.

The reason for the name choice is for the metaphorical value. The content in this publication will undoubtedly stimulate those synoptic sparks, but the stories that will accumulate will be on a variety of topics.

The intellectual and comedy appreciative will enjoy the assortment of quirky reads. The rebellious-at-heart-but-still-law-abiding-folks-of-the-world might find a thrill or two in the archives also.

Some of the most profound messages will be scattered throughout the collections.

It will be a bit of a treasure hunt, I hope.

In order to understand how awesome the word dendrite is for the name of a publication, lets do a super-fast crash course on the basic functions of neurons.



Lori Brown, Writer

I'm a mom, a wife, and a playful storyteller. Voted Top Blockchain Voice on Linkedin, and voted Best Human Ever by my two dogs. #RuffLife.