Say Every Last Meaningful Truth A Mom Deserves To Know Before She Dies

Words to eternalize the gifts a mother gave a daughter

Lori Brown


Pixabay artist James Wheeler

Birds sing for me. They don’t chirp uselessly. They speak of God’s majesty. That is something my mother taught me. I will always remember her hushing me as we sat on dusty patio seats in our backyard. Her eyes closed softly and she urged me to listen to the way the birds sang God’s song.

She cures anxiety with a flick of her wrist, waving her slender hand in her signature Italian-mama style. Like magic, her confidence in me melts away doubts instantly no matter what problem I come to her with. Effortlessly she makes troubled times shrink into manageable moments. She heals. She saves. She laughs. She lives. She is my Mom. My rock.

The way I was raised

Mom taught me to appreciate quirky things like the miraculous patterns inside the slices of an orange. She taught me compassion, kindness and wild laughter in the face of judging eyes.

She taught me to stand up for a cashier being picked on by cranky customers. She taught me to stand between a bully and their target. She showed me that there is no such thing as “ugly”. She could glow like an angel yet with the blink of an eye that same angelic light could flash fiercely — if…



Lori Brown

When I am not writing I am reading. Stick with me for humorous, relevant, and addictive stories about love, business, tech, science, and other awesome stuff.