Reflecting on bad choices is important.

Valuable Lessons After Getting Busted For Drunk Driving

15 Years later, I see that I deserved the trouble I got in.

Lori Brown, Writer
Published in
6 min readAug 15, 2020


Image by Лечение наркомании from Pixabay

More than 15 years ago it happened. The Lessons still echo.

I was living by the ocean in a dream world on the central coast of California. I was 23 years old and had been working as a waitress and a popular restaurant and bar in Carmel By The Sea. The life I led back then was dedicated entirely to selfish things. I was not married, I had no children and I was hours from family.

I had developed eccentric tastes in music and dance and I lived lavishly on a generous stream of cash tips nightly. I never worried about bills being late or rent being past due. It was easy. I just had to focus for a few days and I would have the money, no sweat.

I lived a block from the gorgeous ocean at Lovers Point in Pacific Grove, and life was magical. I was also stoned pretty often so this may have increased the sensation of magical things happening around me.

I learned to party way too hard way too often and maintained this wild lifestyle for several years. I will never forget the way alcohol turned sour in my soul. I went from happy…



Lori Brown, Writer

I'm a mom, a wife, and a playful storyteller. Voted Top Blockchain Voice on Linkedin, and voted Best Human Ever by my two dogs. #RuffLife.